Ch137: Izzy's Cookies

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"We could change this whole world with a piano. Add a bass, some guitar, grab a beat and away we go. I'm just a boy with a one-man show. No university, no degree, but-"

"You know you have a university degree right?" Simon interrupted her singing by calling out to her.

"Not yet I don't," Izzy replied before she started singing along to the music again.

"Everybody's talking 'bout exponential growth.

And the stock market crashing in their portfolios. While I'll be sitting here with a song that I wrote."

Izzy had been playing this song non-stop for weeks. It wasn't just that she loved the song, but also that she loved the strange slightly annoyed look on her boyfriends face as he teased her about it.

"Love could change the world in a moment. But what do I know? The revolution's coming, it's a minute away. I saw people marching in the streets today. You know we are made up of love and hate. But both of them are balanced on a razor blade."

At this point she heard Simon begin to sing along. It wasn't the first time this had happened. She supposed at some point he just gave up trying to ignore it. Through careful observation Izzy had discovered that Simon was most likely to be coerced into singing along when he was supposed to be doing his homework.

"I'll paint the picture, let me set the scene. I know, I'm all for people following their dreams. Just re-remember life is more than fittin' in your jeans. It's love and understanding, positivity."

Izzy put the cookies in the oven and set the timer before joining her boyfriend in the living room. She wasn't at all surprised to see textbooks laid out on the couch, and what looked to be notes scattered over the table. This explained the singing. He smiled when he saw her, and they finished singing the song together.

"You know, the future's in the hands of you and me. So let's all get together, we can all be free. Spread love and understanding, positivity. Sing, love could change the world in a moment. But what do I know?"

"I do love it when you sing along," Izzy smiled at him, moving forward to kiss him sweetly before she sat down.

"It's funny, I know the words but not the title," Simon chuckled. "You sing it ALL the time, but what song is that?"

"What do I know?" Izzy replied as she moved his textbooks off the couch so she could sit down on it. "By Ed Sheeran."

"I thought he was just that radio guy who wrote all those sappy songs," Simon shrugged.

"He has more than just romantic songs," Izzy replied defensively. "You probably know 'Castle on the Hill.' That's about returning to the people who made up your past. And he has a song from his mother's perspective that about his grandmother's passing. Also not romantic. Then there's 'Small Bump' which is about a miscarriage. And-"

"Okay okay!" Simon surrendered and she paused for breath. "I take it back."

"Good," Izzy said firmly. "Because sometimes it seems to me like the only songs his fans know of his are 'Shape Of You,' 'Thinking Out Loud,' 'Perfect,' 'Lego House' 'Kiss Me' and 'Photograph,' maybe even 'Nancy Milligan,' but he has a lot of music, not just romantic ones"

"Didn't I already say you won," Simon chuckled, pulling Izzy closer.

"Just being thorough," Izzy mumbled.

"So if he has so many brilliant songs," Simon began, grinning. "Why play that one over and over again?"

"Because I like it," Izzy stated, firmly.

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