Tessa's Hug

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This time last year, Lucie was just weeks old. It amazed Tessa how fast her daughter was growing. At just over a year old, Lucie was a very confident crawler who occasionally liked to be standing with the support of her bouncy swing or one of her parents. The bottom two feet of Jem's house had now been totally and completely baby proofed as Lucie didn't like being carried the way she used to, preferring to move with her own power whenever possible.

Tessa had spent the better part of today decorating the house, though it was pretty festive already. Will had already dragged the fake tree out of the basement last week and put it up in the living room, but Tessa had added more lights and tinsel today. She'd needed the distraction. Lucie however, wasn't phased. She'd spent the morning in her play area. It was fenced in with baby gates so she could crawl around and enjoy herself all she wanted without hurting herself. Jem had been out all morning, at the hospital for his usual blood infusion appointment. It was normal for him, and he never made a fuss, but Tessa knew he was always in pain, particularly in his joints.

William had been at work since 2am this morning, putting out a flash fire on the outskirts of town. Tessa couldn't help but worry about both her boys at times like this. If not for little Lucie here with her, Tessa wasn't sure what she'd do. Then again, if not for Lucie, Tessa would probably still be living with Magnus. If not for Lucie, a great many things in her life would have been different, but Tessa wasn't going to think that way. There was no 'if not for Lucie', because Lucie was here.

Tessa checked the clock; Jem said he'd be home about now, so where was he? Her mind instantly tried to turn his routine blood infusion appointment into something dier, raising her anxiety. Giving up on her decorations, Tessa walked over to her daughter, and scooped the toddler into her arms.

"I need a hug," Tessa told Lucie, who seemed only interested in returning to her toys. Lucie's arms were stretched out reaching for them. With a sigh, Tessa put Lucie back down next to her toys, but followed after sitting down beside her daughter on the floor.

"Your daddies like to make me worry," Tessa told her.

"Da-da," Lucie exclaimed as she triumphantly destroyed the almost pile of blocks she'd made.

"Da-da's," Tessa corrected. "Two."

"Da-da-da," Lucie tired.

"That's better I suppose," Tessa smiled. Unable to just sit, Tessa got up and starting pacing. When that didn't work, she turned to the kitchen and started dinner. Jem was probably running late due to traffic or waiting longer than normal for his appoint. And Will was strong and smarter than any fire. She shouldn't be worrying, but the problem was that there was nothing else to do but worry.

Thinking suddenly of a way to change that, Tessa got out her phone and dialed. As it rang, she wondered if maybe she was being a nuscuince. He probably was very busy, and didn't want to entertain an anxious, and yet bored person while she waited for one of her men to walk in the door. Nevertheless she didn't hang up.

Ring, ring, ring... it was just the same as now, waiting for someone to appear. The difference being that Magnus picked up the phone.

"Hello Tessa!" Magnus said brightly. "And Merry Christmas Eve to you."

"I hope I'm not bothering you," Tessa said into the phone as she started walking around the room while still keeping Lucie in sight.

"Not at all, darling," Magnus replied. "In fact, you're saving me."

"I find that hard to believe," Tessa laughed. "Since you're spending Christmas at your fiance's beautiful mansion."

"Maryse planning our wedding over the phone was exhausting," Magnus said, laughing. "In person is so much worse. This wedding better be freakin epic." And just like that, Tessa was laughing. She knew she'd made the right decision in calling a friend.

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