Ch201: Jace's Solution

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Jace was starting to worry about Annika. She'd been avoiding him for a couple of weeks now and he didn't know why. Okay so maybe she wasn't totally avoiding him. When he texted her she'd always reply just with one word answers. When he asked if she was okay she'd say she was fine and not reply again. When he suggested they hang out she'd said she was busy and stop answering. He knew she was alive, or at least well enough to use her cell phone, but that was about it.

"I think something's wrong," Jace said. "She's usually so blunt about everything. This passive-aggressive ditching is so unlike her."

"Maybe she is fine and busy," Alec suggested. "You said she started a new job right?"

"Yeah," Jace replied. "She's a junior accountant at a hotel downtown."

"Sounds like a big deal to me," Alec said. "You are probably overthinking this."

"You just want to change the topic to the house you looked at yesterday," Jace laughed.

"Guilty," Alec admitted. "But I do think Annika is fine and you don't need to worry so much."

"Okay fine," Jace sighed. "Tell me about the house."

It only took about five minutes for Jace to regret this statement. Once given free rein Alec started talking about houses like they were his firstborn son. Jace tuned in just enough to reply in a way that made it seem like he was listening.

Jace was saved from Alec's monologue by the arrival of Clary who was home from work. Before Alec could start his house enthusiasm up again, Jace changed the topic by asking Clary about her day at work.

"Oh the usual," Clary responded. "People tried on clothes, I got the clothes for them and then folded them and put them all back once they decided not to buy them."

"Sounds dull," Alec replied.

"It wasn't all bad," Clary said. "Watching Izzy work was pretty hilarious. I swear that woman is running on adrenaline right now. She's like an energizer bunny." Clary giggled and Jace couldn't help but stare at her. It was amazing to him how she could get more beautiful each time he saw her even if she hadn't technically changed at all. Maybe it was just that his memory couldn't do her justice. Jace loved how Clary never wore any makeup. He loved the way the sun coming in through the window made her hair sparkle. He loved the way her nose crinkled when she laughed.

"That's what she gets for mixing her exams with her wedding," Alec replied in an 'I told you so' kinda way.

"Have you heard from Annika yet?" Clary asked, taking Jace totally off guard.

"Nothing more than what's become her usual excuse," Jace answered. "Working late."

"You two need to stop worrying," Alec said. "She is probably just working late."

"Just because a friend doesn't ask for help doesn't mean they don't need it," Clary told Alec off in an authoritative kinda way.

"I suppose that's true," Alec admitted.

"I really don't have enough friends to afford to just let them drop off on me," Jace replied.

"Sure you do," Alec said brightly. "You have me."

Jace couldn't help but laugh at that. Clary too was laughing beside him.

"But can you fix a sink?" Clary said to Alec through her laughter.

"I'm more the 'call a plumber kinda' guy," Alec admitted.

"So to rephrase," Clary continued. "Jace doesn't have enough handy friends to let one of them ghost him."

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