Jordan's Perfect

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She was beautiful, her eyes a smokey grey, and her skin slightly tanned. She was wearing a very light pink lip gloss today, her hair worn was long, cascading down her back in waves. Her roots were darker, lightening a few inches down as if she hadn't dyed her roots in a while. Though she carried herself like a woman who knew she was pretty, there was no arrogance about her. Despite her obvious beauty, it was her kindness that made her more beautiful. Even-tempered and good natured, she smiled easily. He liked the way her eyes looked when she smiled.

Jordan was currently sitting on his couch, mug in hand watching Paige clean his kitchen. It was strange how happy she looked doing it, humming to herself as she worked. He'd tried so many times to tell her she didn't have to clean their mess the first time she'd visited his apartment and spontaneously started doing the dishes. Jordan had explained over and over again that it wasn't her job, but Paige hadn't listened.

"I find it oddly relaxing," she'd replied with a shrug.

"But you shouldn't have to clean up other people's mess," Jordan continued.

"I don't know," Paige reassured him. "I find it's a great way to make a good impression."

"Can't argue with you there," Jordan chuckled. "I think my roommates would rather live with you than me."

"Oh no," Paige had smiled at him. "I'm sure they like having you around more than you realize."

"Nah, Clary wanted Simon to stay here," Jordan explained. "I just tagged alone."

"You're too hard on yourself," Paige had scolded him as Jordan had known she would. He'd come to expect things like this from her. If anyone ever said something negative about themselves, she'd disagree without a second thought.

It was easy being with Paige. She was so hard to anger, light spirited, and found joy in helping others. Jordan couldn't imagine ever fighting with her the way he'd fought with Maia, so why was he holding back?

Jordan knew he'd always had hope that one day he'd get Maia back since basically the moment they'd broken up. He'd followed her to this school with that same hope in mind. The hope had survived, despite her saying over and over that it wouldn't happen. Maybe a part of him had believed that once he'd told her what really happened during their break up everything would just magically go back to the way it had been, naive and foolish though the notion was. Low and behold, Maia had rejected him once again, even going so far as being upset that he'd broken away from the people who'd ripped them apart. Of course she had a point that these people were his parents, and with him and Maia split, there really was no purpose in the distance he'd created, but Jordan just couldn't think of his parents the same way now that he knew how little they valued his happiness.

The first time Jordan had felt the absence of that childish hope was after his last fight with Maia that had lead to his trip to the bar with Simon. Only then had Jordan finally admitted to himself that it was over. That ever present flickering flame of hope had fizzled out, leaving him cold and empty. Jordan hadn't intended to do more that night than drown his sorrows, but Paige had surprised him. Maybe that was why Jordan had felt so guilty when he'd learned of Simon's accident. Rather than making sure his friend got home alright, Jordan had spent the whole night with Paige. She was the first women he'd been with since Maia - the only one apart from Maia - but that wasn't what had endeared her to him. Paige was someone Jordan could really talk to. She listened to him in a way Maia never had, so why was he sitting here thinking about Maia?

"You've got that look in your eyes again," Paige's voice broke past his thoughts. "What ya thinking about?"

Jordan blinked, and realized she'd stopped washing dishes and had turned around to face him, moving closer. She was wearing dark blue dish gloves that were still slick with soap.

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