Chapter 6

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Jerusalem, 1177, King Baldwin IV's castle

William of Tyre, the archbishop and chancellor to his highness, King Baldwin IV, was strolling through the castle grounds with a young man.

"Hurry now, lad, the King is waiting," William said as he accelerated his pace.

"Yes, teacher," the worried-looking young man replied.

As they hurriedly walked to the castle's hall, the young man abruptly stops, and William was quick to notice.

"What's wrong, Joscius?" William inquired as he turned to face Joscius.

"Well, I was just thinking... I am your apperentice, and soon I will be serving his highness and..." Joscius said nervously.

"And what?" William inquired.

"I'm just scared to see him, teacher," he explained.

"Why? is it because he is a leper?" William asked sternly as Joscius lowered his face in shame.

"I understand your predicament, Joscius, but he is your King, and he is not someone you can judge; he may be a leper, but he is a great man."

"I'm sorry, I just wondered what kind of person he is, the king sir?" he explained.

"he is younger than you, he is wise for his age,when he was nine, I took care of him and taught him to read and write everything he needed to know academically., a King who defends our land from the Muslims, He may be a stoic, harsh man, but he is a valiant man."

"I heard he defeated Saladin by himself, is that true?"

"Yes, not only did he defeat Saladin, but he also boosted the morale of our men with that victory," William chuckles.

It was summer in October this year , I remember it to well ..."

"As soon as he took over the government, He began planning a full-scale attack on Egypt with his advisers. This was his first foray into warfare. But due to uncooperativeness of other nobles , Saladin's power remained unchecked."

"It became clear during his regency that he did have leprosy. It's not clear who he contracted it from, but it had to be someone he spent a lot of time with and who didn't exhibit any obvious symptoms. The lepromatous form of the illness progressed more quickly as he grew older. His health rapidly deteriorated. His limbs and face were the worst affected, making many of his subjects nervous when they approached him. Nonetheless, he was unconcerned."

"With all the Frankish army in northern Syria, Saladin seized the opportunity to invade our kingdom. Though he was still recovering from malaria, he rode to meet the sultan, while the Knights Templar hurried to defend Gaza."

"However, the King managed to contact the Templars and order them to abandon Gaza and join him, and, contrary to the sultan's expectations, He and Raynald of Chatellon then rode out of Ascalon, joined the Templars, and attacked his dispersed army at Montgisard."

"He was in the forefront. Despite having only one hand, he refused to delegate his military duties and fought. During the invasion, he was able to defeat a powerful Muslim sultan who had far more battle experience than him. Despite being outnumbered, he defeated him."
"We never thought a leper like him could triumph over a formidable foe; I am very proud, as a teacher, and he also proves himself worthy of the throne; despite his illness, the people now only see him as a king, but not as a leper."

As William told him the story of how the young king gallantly defeated Saladin, Joscius' eyes filled with wonder.

"It's... incredible... I can't believe it, knowing the King was younger than me, but he overcame his illness and won the battle," Joscius exclaimed.

"Are you still nervous about seeing him?" William inquired.

"No, sir, I am ready to meet King Baldwin." said Joscius with a smile

"All right, then, hurry up, the king is waiting."

In the royal chamber of King Bladwin IV. The King sat alone in the corner, writing, dressed in all white with gold embroidery and a silver mask covering his face.

King Baldwin's IV POV

I recall being a champion in horseback riding and sword fighting, and I thought it was my reward until my right hand became crippled, rendering me incapable of wielding a sword, and I was once again left with nothing, or so I thought.

An incurable disease, God's divine punishment for my family. The Pope has always believed that my family's sin caused this illness.

And I used to wonder why. Why me? Is this punishment fair? Every day, I pray to God, but it appears that God has forgotten about me. Until I accept the truth that death will always be with me.

After my father died and I was crowned as a young king, my people saw me as a failure and predicted that I would die soon due to this illness

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After my father died and I was crowned as a young king, my people saw me as a failure and predicted that I would die soon due to this illness.

I knew from the start that most of my family members, both my mother's and father's selfish sides, were eyeing the throne and waiting for my death to take the crown, but every time I was about to give up, the people of Jerusalem reminded me not to. It was my love for my country and my people that kept me going.

Countless times, I considered abdicating the throne and handing it over to someone more deserving. I was about to give it to my elder sister Sibylla's husband, William of Montferrat, a good friend of mine who was a person of dignity, a good leader, and a man of justice, but he died too soon leving my Sister pregnant.

Because of the stigma attached to leprosy, I am unable to marry or have a family of my own. I've decided to make Prince Baldwin V, my sister's child, my heir. Because he was too young to take the throne, I should persevere until he can rule.

I will never expect anyone's love, only their devotion and loyalty to the throne. I'll never wish for anything else. Because my time on earth is limited, I live each day as if it were my last. Nobody knows when or if this body will succumb. But I will devote my entire life to Jerusalem until the day I die.

Until one faithful summer, when an invasion occurred, and Saladin's defeat was my first victory. I had no idea a leper like myself could defeat such a formidable foe. Saladin, who had barely escaped death, was crushed. I'm only 16 years old and have no military experience. It was the first time I felt I could live to be a hundred years old. That victory felt like defeating leprosy.

My royal court threw a ball in my honour after Saladin's defeat, as well as to welcome the new knights who will join the crusades.

William, the archbishop of Tyre, my trusted chancellor and advisor, and a close friend of my late father, enters my chamber with news to begin the banquet.

"My lord, it's time," he says as he lowers his head.

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