Chapter 43

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As Baldwin and Philippa entered the council chamber together, the assembled council members and knights were taken aback. Philippa, the queen, was not a regular presence at these meetings. Her unexpected appearance alongside the king was met with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

The order of knights stood in shocked silence. Their eyes widened in surprise, their expressions ranging from disbelief to awe. They exchanged glances and raised eyebrows, but none uttered a word. Their respect for their young king was unwavering, and they would follow his lead without question. 

Baldwin and Philippa, hand in hand, took their seats at the head of the council table, ready to address the impending threat of Saladin's army. Their united front signaled the strength of their partnership, both in love and in ruling their kingdom.

Tiberias, the king's loyal commander, began the meeting with a grave tone, explaining the dire situation. "Saladin has already set up camp in Banias and sent raiding forces to despoil villages and crops near Sidon and the coastal areas. Farmers and townspeople, impoverished by Saracen raiders, would be unable to pay rent to their Frankish overlords. Unless stopped, Saladin's destructive policy would weaken our Kingdom."

Baldwin listened intently to Tiberias's words, his brow furrowing as he contemplated the gravity of the situation. He realized the urgency of the matter and knew that immediate action was required. The weight of his responsibilities pressed upon him, and he understood that the fate of the kingdom rested on their decisions.

William the Archbishop of Tyre, a man of solemn and devout demeanor, his countenance reflecting deep concern, rose from his seat. His voice, tinged with a sense of urgency, conveyed his apprehensions.

"My lords and ladies, the predicament we face is not only one of military strategy but also of the well-being of our kingdom's very heart—the people who toil in our fields and villages. Should Saladin's raiding forces continue to despoil our lands near Sidon and the coastal areas, the consequences are dire. Our farmers and townspeople will be subjected to unimaginable hardship."

He gazed around the council chamber, his eyes meeting those of the assembled nobles. "Impoverished by Saracen raiders, they will be unable to pay the rent to their Frankish overlords. This not only jeopardizes the livelihoods of our subjects but also the stability of our kingdom. For it is our people who sow the seeds, feed our armies, and uphold the very foundations of our realm."

William of Tyre clasped his hands before him, his gaze earnest and beseeching. "We must act to protect not only our lands but also our people. It is not only our duty as rulers but as Christians to safeguard those who depend on us. Let us consider the consequences of inaction, for a kingdom is not built upon stone and wood alone but upon the well-being and prosperity of its people."

William of Tyre's impassioned plea for the welfare of the people resonated in the council chamber, underlining the gravity of their situation and the responsibility they bore toward their subjects.

Baldwin listened to the Archbishop's words with a thoughtful expression. He respected the bishop's dedication to the well-being of the kingdom and its people.

"As always, your concerns for our subjects are noted and appreciated,William," Baldwin responded, his voice carrying a sense of reassurance. "The welfare of our people is of utmost importance to me. We shall take all measures necessary to protect them. But we must also address the military aspect of this threat. If we can put an end to these Saracen raids, our people will be safer and their livelihoods more secure."

He turned to the council, his gaze encompassing the assembly. "It is a two-fold challenge we face—one of protecting our people and another of securing our borders. In the coming days, we shall need a strategy that effectively accomplishes both. I have faith that together, we can overcome this challenge and ensure the prosperity and safety of our subjects."

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