Chapter 25

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Baldwin's POV :

She was as beautiful as the stars in the sky as she walked down the aisle, I reached out for her hands and as we walked to the altar, I was completely dazed throughout the wedding... I can't believe she's going to be my wife so soon...

I'm not sure if I'm deserving of her. She is stunning and dazzling, and I... Her exact opposite... I was utterly lost in thought when I heard William ask me to kiss her, which made my heart race yet I couldn't bring myself to do so... It is not because I do not desire it. I wanted to, but she trusts me, and I don't want her to think I'm going to take advantage of her, so instead I... Kiss her on the right cheek...

My worries vanished as she looked at me with such warmth and honesty... Then I made the decision to protect her and make her happy for the rest of my life.

Philippa's POV:

Following the wedding ceremony, the celebration took place in the great hall, where happy and lively music could be heard and people from all over the kingdom came to celebrate with us. The table banquet was filled with many courses, including soup, venison, wild boar, salmon, pike, duck, swan, mixed vegetables, and sweet deserts.

Baldwin sat silently beside me, his gaze fixed on the people around us. We receive extravagant gifts from other nobility, which we gladly accept. "Y-your highness? are you feeling alright?" I inquire, concerned, as he sits motionless beside me.

"What?" he asked, his eyes fixed on me. "I-I mean B-baldwin," I replied, recalling that he preferred to be addressed by his given name.

"Yes.. I am just overwhelmed.. that is all.... I apologise if I caused you concern," he muttered quietly, placing a gentle grin on the corner of his lips.

"I-it's okay.. I totally understand. I, too, am nervous." I fidget with the table serviette.

He grabs my hand in his and smiles. "It appears that we are the same, but don't worry, my Queen. You will always have me." I was relieved to hear his words of comfort, which made my heart skip a beat.

With a gleam in his eyes, he stood up and put out his hand, saying, "Can I have this dance?"

My gaze was drawn to his as I reached for his hands without hesitation, and he led me to the dance floor. the people who were dancing and singing in circles while offering us the dance floor. The upbeat song slows down to a romantic cadence. "B-baldwin, I don't know how to dance," I admitted, blushing.

He quietly smiled at me and whispered, "Don't worry, I got you.... "

He lowers his head and turns to face me. I move slowly to the beat of the music, while he softly swings me. When we converged, we passed each other quickly again, with him gliding and me floating. We waltzed together and stared each other in the eyes; everyone looked, but it was incredible. As he hauled me up and carefully laid me down, I began to melt. My body seemed to know just how to move to the beat of the music despite this being my first experience waltzing. Another pair swiftly joined us on the dance floor after he grinned amusingly at me.

I teased him, "I never realised you are a fantastic dancer?"

" queen...there is a lot you need to learn about me and I about you," he said, twirling me around.

"Don't worry.. I'm prepared, and I'm not going anywhere," I responded cheerfully.

The celebration went far longer than I had imagined. It was blissful and a little exhausting, but everything was fine. We went to bed early that night, but the celebration went on, as I can still hear joyous music from our balcony and feel the soft cool wind on my face; it was such a fantastic night, as the stars in the night sky were all so beautiful.

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