Chapter 16.2

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I couldn't see anything because it was pitch black. I've been running nonstop. I tried to yell, but my voice wouldn't come out; instead, I heard someone crying.

"Why do you do that, Mother?" The voice said

It was a young girl's voice. I scream at the top of my lungs, "W-who are you?!" but there is no response. "Help me please," she begs in agony. "Where are you?! " I scream as I keep running. 

"Here," a whisper comes from behind my ears, and as I open my eyes, I realise it was just a nightmare. I am back in my bedroom, drenched in cold sweat. 

Taking a breath, I sit up. It was already morning since I can hear birds chirping outside my window, yet the dream felt so real that I shuddered.

Emma then entered my room carrying a pitcher of water and a basin. She said, "Good morning my lady." I grinned and responded, "G-good morning." She assisted me in getting ready for the day. I was quite exhausted, "Is everything okay?" concerned Emma.

I admitted, "Yes, I'm simply tired."

"Oh.. dear.. why don't you just rest?" she suggested. "No.. I am fine," I replied, "it is a very important day today."

I reminded myself that today is the day I will officially attend a royal court meeting.

Aimery came by to tell me that the meeting would begin soon, and he escorted me to the royal court hall; it wasn't the first time I'd visited the hall; the last time I came here as a verdict and accused of breaking a royal oath, and now as I walked with my head held high, But when I saw King Baldwin sitting on his throne in the centre hall, I felt embarrassed again; he gave me a slight nod as I quickly walked beside Aimery.

The royal court hall is packed with royal knights from other noble families, patriarchs from various households, Sir Omar, Sir Roger, and some clergymen. Uncle William is correct; I am the only female in the hall, which is why they stared at me the moment I walked in.

Then there is the sound of a trumpet, indicating that the Royal Court meeting is about to begin. The meeting began with Aimery, the chamberlain to his majesty, reporting the status of the royal household, and was followed by Sir Roger, the grand master of the Knight Hospitaller, who shared a report of casualties from the previous war as well as the need for more men to join the knights in case Saladin struck back. The royal court session lasted at least two hours. long discussion about the preparation of the upcoming crusade.

Even though I was in the army, I was never a fan of war, and seeing these guys discuss and argue about mediaeval crusades exhausts me. I was dozing off and slowly closing my eyes to sleep when Sir Omar caught my head and surprised me, "I- I am sorry," I said.

"You appear tired," Omar said curtly.

"y-yes.. I wasn't able to get a goodnight sleep.. that's all," I said as I tried to smile at him. "you.. you don't like listening to this subject?" he inquired.

"Well, it's not my cup of tea," I explained.

"You should pay attention, because after this topic, our division will be the next one to discuss, because in addition to the king's health, we also oversee the health of the crusaders," he explained.

"Oh... well, I'll try to listen," I say.

"hmm... I know you chose to be a part of his highness royal court to help him, but let me also tell you that it is our duty to oversee the health of his people, he is Jerusalem, and his people are his first priority, that is the type of king he is," Omar explained.

I realised how self-centered I had been; I was always thinking about gaining independence, but I had no idea King Baldwin was always thinking about his people before himself.

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