Chapter 28

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Abu raced towards me, almost out of breath. "My lady..." he began.

"What exactly is it?" I inquired.

"There is a tawt 'aswad in bloom.." he explained.

"Where?" I inquired.

Abu stated, "near the horses stable..."

"really? we have to hurry... let's go! before someone picks it," I say as I sprint.

"Wait for me!" Abu exclaims.

When I arrived at the Black Mulberry's location, I was astounded to see that it was not a small tree but a massive oak-like structure.

"Are you sure this is the right tree?" I inquired.

"yes... " Abu replied as he delved into his pockets, "here... it's the berry from that tree, I picked it up from the ground earlier."

Positive, that is the mulberry, I reasoned. 

"Why are you so obsessed with that?" Abu inquired.

"The tawt 'aswad, or Black mulberry, is a herbal berry that can only be found in the Middle East and I've been looking for it for months... Black mulberry fruit contains pectin, which may act as a laxative Chemicals and the black mulberry twigs may have blood sugar lowering effects," I explained.

People use black mulberry for constipation, menopause symptoms, runny nose, and a variety of other ailments, but there is no clear scientific evidence to support these claims... "So I've been looking for it to study," I explained.

"And here I am... thinking it was just a simple berry," Abu remarked.

"climb it and gather as many berries as you can," I instructed.

"I can't climb it because my ribs haven't healed from being butchered by that Gustav... remember?" he explained.

"Well, we need someone to climb that tree," I say, placing my hands on my hips.

"Why don't you do it?" suggested Abu.

"What?" I asked, looking at the tree and realising that I had before climbed trees. "Yeah, why not?" I replied.

At the same time, King Baldwin and his knight had just arrived at the castle gate.

The king dismounted his horse and was greeted by William of Tyre.

"Your Majesty, welcome back," William said.

Baldwin POV:

I looked around as I nodded at "Your eminence." I asked, "Have you seen my queen?"

"I think she's with your mother, Lady Agnes, and your sister, Princess Sibylla," William replied.

"Oh... I'll go and look for her," I answered as I turned to leave.

Wait, Your Majesty, said William.

I turn to face him and he says, "May I have a word with you... "

At the same time...

Philippa POV:

Abu watched me climb a tree and stated, "I will not put my hand on that branch, or on that."

I grunted as I climbed, "s-stop bothering me... if you want to help, then stay guard."

"I never thought climbing would be difficult; as a child, I could climb trees like nothing," I struggled.

"You climb trees? What kind of noble lady climbs trees?" Abu inquires.

"One of a kind!" I exclaimed. "So, how far am I?" I asked Abu.

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