Chapter 18

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In Antioch, a kingdom north of Jerusalem

William of Tyre dismounted his horse and was greeted by Antioch Knight "welcome your Eminence," said the captain of the Knight as he kissed Williams' hands.

"I'd like to speak with your master," William stated.

"Of course, your Eminence, his highness is waiting for you in the throne room."

William followed the knight to the throne room, where he was met by a young prince in his late twenties. Prince Bohemond III, the eldest son of my closest friend Raymond of Poitiers and his wife Constance of Antioch, inherited his father's good looks; he is a pale, tall man with well-built muscle, dark hair like midnight, and charming green deep eyes; but, like his mother, he has a bad temper and a very twisted personality. William thought to himself as he gulped and approached Bohemond, who was grinning to see him.

"Greetings, Your Eminence Archbishop of Tyre..." he said.

"Yes, my prince... thank you for having me," I replied.

"So, what is the reason for your unexpected visit, and how is the Leper King holding on in Jerusalem?" he asked, his cruel and cold eyes staring at me.

"Everything is fine in Jerusalem, your grace, and the young king, King Baldwin, is doing fine and perfectly healthy," William replied.

"Oh.. that's good news... maybe God didn't forget him after all," he remarked sarcastically.

He is a troublesome man; no one knows how his mind works...however, he is a tyrant to his men but a good leader to his country... I should be more cautious about what I tell him. As he looked at Bohemond, William reflected.

"But the reason for my visit is because of your younger sister Lady Philippa," William explained.

His smile faded to a frown as he stared coldly at William, "what now? did my idiot sister do something?" he asked.

William froze as Bohemond approached him,with his vicious gaze, but he was able to control his emotion as he continued to explain "n-no your grace... please hear me out "

William explains everything that happened with Lady Philippa to Prince Bohemond, including how the lady discovered that his stepparents had embezzled her inheritance and forced her to marry a man who is already like her father, but the Prince shows no sympathy for her sister and simply listens to what William is saying. He also mentions Lady Philippa's refusal to marry and enter the convent, and her request to King Baldwin to have her as a member of his royal court, which the King approved because she saw great talent in her.

But when Prince Bohemond heard what had happened, he sarcastically laughed instead, his evil laugh echoing through the empty hall." great talent you say?.. I never knew that my dumb sister could actually be smart enough to persuade the genius King but I am really disappointed.... " Bohemond said as he stopped and looked at William who was staring at him dumbfounded I am, really disappointed willie.... " he said softly, slowly approaching William and whisper.

"Tell Baldwin... I'll take care of it," he said.

"What do you mean, my prince?" William inquired.

"As her legal guardian, I will get my sister back so she doesn't cause any more trouble for your little king," he said.

"Y-your grace... it's not it," William explained.

"huh..." he says as he turns to face William.

"Lady Philippa... wishes to be independent of you...and I wished to be her legal guardian until she marries," William explained.

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