Chapter 24

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Today is the day King Baldwin and I will marry. He rescued me from Bohemond by proposing marriage, a marriage bound by my loyalty and mutual trust in each other.

This marriage was not recorded in history books because King Baldwin IV never married in the first place, he died at the young age of 24; now the course of history has changed and I am not sure how it will affect the future; I am nervous about the outcome because I am aware that I did change some events during this time, but it is the only way I know to survive.

Earlier, Bohemond paid us a visit and gave us his blessing, but he chose not to attend the celebration because he had other obligations, but I still don't trust him. I know he has evil plans against King Baldwin, just like in the history book, and I will uncover them, and yet he congratulates us and promises King Baldwin support for the next crusade.

I peered out my glass window. The entire castle was covered in white roses and jasmine, the scent of flowers could be detected throughout the castle, and music could be heard. For this occasion, people of all ages dress in their finest attire, and everyone is in a festive mood and is very happy. "My lady?" Emma asked as I turned to face her. "It is time," she added.

I was surprised to see a group of servants with the head maid Bathilda, came in carrying various things, such as fragrant oil, make-up, jewellery, and the wedding dress that I designed myself, much to Bathilda's dismay that I won't wear the traditional Blue cotehardie with a shade of gold trailed all the way to my ankles and featured fitted sleeves with buttons down the length, no offence but since I dislike its design,

They help me take a warm bath with rose petal and scented oil, they wash my hair and body. Then get me ready to dress. I asked Emma to do my make-up and hair while Bathilda assisted me in wearing my white laces wedding gown with a long lace white vail.

As soon as I finish, the servant gasps in amazement because it turned out to be perfect. "My lady... you truly resemble a goddess," Emma exclaimed.

"Why are you crying?" I inquired, a smile on my face.

"Well... I'm just so happy," she said, her tear streaming down her cheek as I smiled at her.

"I'm disappointed you didn't wear the traditional bridal gown I prepared for you, but you look stunning in that white gown," Bathilda said.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

Baldwin was preparing for this special day at the same time, and he was assisted by his chamberlain Aimery, who dressed him in his finest white velvet robe embroided with gold. He decided not to wear his silver masked for this occasion, but as he looked in the mirror, he noticed that his wounds were all drying up and his facial deformities were diminishing. "Sire, are you going to wear your mask?" Aimery inquired.

"No... not on this occasion," he replied.

"It's healing... your wounds," Aimery said.

"Y-yes," he replied, touching his facial wounds, before William entered and reminded him that the wedding was about to begin.

The wedding begins at precisely noon.... As the knights slowly open the door, I hear wedding trumpets. I entered and began marching to the altar; many people stared at me as I marched towards Baldwin, who stood in front of William Archbishop of Tyre, who would officiate our wedding.

I used to fantasise about wearing a wedding gown and marrying a prince charming when I was a little girl, and now it is coming true: I am marrying a King, a very powerful and influential King in world history.

With his blonde hair and deep ocean blue eyes, he was stunning as he extended his hand and guided me to the altar. "You looked very beautiful," he said softly. As I looked at him, I blushed, and our wedding began with William's opening speech.

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