𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 4𝘵𝘩

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"I'm just looking for my luggage, why do these things spin so fast! Oh also I need to get in contact with Jack to explain -"

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"I'm just looking for my luggage, why do these things spin so fast! Oh also I need to get in contact with Jack to explain -"

"Bethany, breathe cherry. Relax, I'm sorting it. We don't need to tell him anything."

"What? What do you mean? Hang on..." She stumbles off. I have to bite the inside of my check to stop from laughing. I move towards the sink and put the phone on speaker while I wash up what I had used for breakfast. I hadn't really slept through the night, partly because I normally wake at 4 but also because I was worried about Bethany.

She had a lot on her plate and it was clouding over the things we really needed to talk about. Like what exactly we are doing and how it's going to work once we both leave here.

"Dammit!" She hisses voice wobbling not a moment later, "Quinn I missed it." And then I hear it and it breaks my heart, she sniffles, swallows deeply and I know she is crying.

"It's okay. It's alright sweet girl, just take your time." I try and help soothe her but I'm only on the phone, the one way of communication that is worst for her.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, I hate travelling. It makes me feel so invisible, so anxious. It makes the differences stand out." She whispers although the chatter around her means I only just catch what she is saying.

Something deep in my heart hurts and I wonder if I shouldn't of told her to leave, I know transport is one of the things she struggles with most. I also know how much her mom means to her, it was written all over her face when she told me she had a heart attack.

"It's coming back round again I - oh, thank you." I listen as she thanks someone who had gotten it off for her and then I wait as she rushes through the airport. "I should tell Jack, Quinn."

"No." I deny, "And have him keep you there? Send someone else in?" I answer. Silence fills the line as she thinks about it so I elaborate, "He doesn't need to know as long as I keep up with the work and you still can get back. Only if something changes, then we can let him know."

"Okay." She agrees, "I can send you everything from my plans."

"Anything I should make priority? Do first?"

"Yes, I - taxi!"

A horn blares and a door opens. The line rustles as I presume she hurries into a cab rattling off the dress to the hospital her mom is it. For some reason I grab a pen and jot down the address on the sticky note on the fridge.

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