𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 20𝘵𝘩

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"Last Call for flight 0212 to JFK New York

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"Last Call for flight 0212 to JFK New York."

I'm telling my self to move as the automated robot voice carries out across the airport but my body stays locked tight, unmoving. I should be moving, I should be getting on that plane and going home.

The woman at the gate watches me as I stand mere metres from her, simply watching as other people rush to make it in time. Some shout at me to move out of the way but I can't seem to take my eyes off the sign.

The sign that flashes with warning as the same voice rings out through the speakers again. My stomach is heavy and I'm surprised I managed to get out of the cabin without waking Quinn. Quinn.

I know exactly why I'm frozen, unable to put myself on that plane. It makes me want to cry because I know I would only be giving him my heart just so he can break it.

"Miss this is your last chance. Are you boarding?" My lady questions while motioning to the closing of the doors behind her.

"Yes." I answer but once again I can't bring myself to do it.

I can't leave him.

It's a blur after that, after numerous warnings she simply ignores me and moves to shut the gate. I wait for the regret to settle in, the drop in my stomach that that tells me I have done the wrong thing but it never comes.

I don't know why I came here, deep down I knew I didn't want to leave.

I miss him.

I find myself sitting off to the side as I watch through the floor to ceiling windows as they finish setting up the plane for take off. I find myself feeling numb, not knowing exactly what I am supposed to do now and not knowing how to feel.

My eyes sweep over the almost empty airport as my mind conjures up stories for those that are here. A man is off to one side dressed in a suit as he types on his phone. It's clear he is important, his face is set into indifference but looking closely you can see the laugh lines around his eyes.

I bet he is coming back for Christmas, maybe he has a family here, his family here? I imagine he spends all his time working but when it comes to his family he laughs. They have good times together.

I move onto an elderly lady who is lecturing one of the security guards about something. She has one hand placed on her hip while the other is waving a finger around in the guards face. He looks amused despite everything and I find myself smiling. Maybe she missed her flight? Maybe he was rude and didn't help her with her bags, or maybe she is hungry? I know food cures basically everything.

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