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5th January

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5th January

The traffic is horrific, probably because it's game day.

My wife sits in the passenger seat besides me, my hand on her thigh as she tries to pretend that she's not nervous.

She most definitely is.

Being back in Canada has been a dream with her by my side, nothing has ever felt more perfect than it does with her. On Christmas Eve she said yes and we got married, just the two of us. Adolf and Alva celebrated with us after and even Mr and Mrs Greenwood joined us for a moment.

Bethany has never looked more radiant than she did in those moments. If I thought she had been expressive with me before, that day was on a whole other level. She was fucking glowing and even I couldn't stop smiling.

She was perfect, she was my person and she was all mine.

Christmas Day was spent tangled up together, eating and drinking. We played Uno and scrabble and then made another snowman knowing we were leaving soon. The ski hub had finally been moved to the building at the bottom and building of the new rink would begin after the new year.

New year was amazing. We both said goodbye to the cabin, to Switzerland and traveled back to New York. We spent our time exploring and then I finally met Bethany's parents. Her mom was on the mend and I promised her dad I would have him outback with me at one of my games.

New year was over and then Bethany was packing for Canada. We had been in Winnipeg for only a few days but seeing Bethany in my space, her clothes mixed with mine, her peaceful body asleep in my bed - she really was the flame lighting up my world.

"How long now?" She asks swallowing as her eyes follow the journey from the window.

My hand tightens on the wheel, "A few minutes Cherry." I turn quickly and catch her eyes, "Don't worry, I know they will all love you. Especially as you already know Ellie." I chuckle raising a brow.

She smiles shyly, her attention taken by our surroundings again. When she realised her wedding dress was from the same company as the green silk dress I had got her for the Friday night dance, she questioned why I always chose that company.

Mini Me.

I told her all about Sloan, Evanna and Rosie as well as Ronan, Shelby and Lucas. She was gobsmacked and then hit me with the biggest news of all. That job she had got in Winnipeg was for non other than Ellie.

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