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The men in this book are the only men that don't suck. Anyway enjoy

Stuart's point of view

I sigh closing the door and locking it then making my way through the arena to get to the bus. We're going to be on the road for the next 10 days, the longest 10 days of my life.

Earlier today I had to drop anna off, and last night we had sex. Drunk sex but regardless we had sex. And it was good.

The guys are already on the bus when I get there, I sit next to leon and go on my phone. "You had sex didn't you" he says. "What?" I ask. "I can smell it on you, who with?" He asks.

What the fuck?

"Don't freak" I reply. He gasps "anna?" He asks quietly. I nod and smile "yeahhh, don't tell her you know we're figuring it out but more like she is figuring it out" I answer.

He nods "yeah of course, how'd it happen?" He asks. "we ubered to my place and when she was about to go to my guest room I kissed her then it went from there" I answer. "And she was all for it?" He asks.

I slap him upside the head "yeah doofus she was, it was amazing like probably the best I've ever had" I confess. He smirks "you love her don't you?" He asks. "Woah I wouldn't say THAT but I like her a lot, what do I do to like ensure her i'm only thinking about her?" I ask since they're close.

Connor turns around from behind us "you talking about anna? What happened?" He asks. "Shhhhh" I whisper. "Stu here is trying to win her over and they banged" leon says.

Oh my god.

"Dude what the fuck" I whisper annoyed. "You did? Is that what happened after you left last night?" Connor asks. I nod smiling "yeah" I answer. "That's why you're so happy looking" he says.

Leon gasps "last night?? Better tell klim he was talking about wanting to get to know her" he says quietly. "Dang he's got an accent she'll definitely date him instead" I frown. "You're an idiot dude, have you seen how she looks at you she may not realize she's looking at you like that but I see it" connor says.

Oh. I haven't noticed but I've been too busy admiring her eyes and how beautiful they are. "What should I do?" I ask. "Send her flowers" leon answers. I nod going onto my phone, just a few minutes later I have flowers being delivered.

"Did you really get my girlfriend to do it?" Connor asks. "Shes being my wing women" I answer. He chuckles "fair enough she is good at being cupid" he says then sits back down.

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