Chapter Thirteen: Wild Apricot Vs. Empty Vessels (2)

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"Huh? Why would I make fun of the Marchioness' words? I'm just genuinely concerned."

Herace frowned and acted as if he was disappointed because the Marchioness failed to recognize his true intentions.


Chloe was speechless. She forgot that it was impossible to beat this man with mere words. In the book inside her dream, Frederick Anata often raised a white flag when having quarrels with this man, who alternated between being insolent and sly.

"How about we walk to the hill over there? Even if it looks low, the view is pretty good from the top."

Herace said while pointing at the low hill behind the tent. She thought it was a suitable place to be on her own.

"Thank you for informing me, Sir. I'll go there by myself, so please return."

"No, I recommended that place, but am I not supposed to make sure it's safe for you, My Lady? If anything happens to the Lady I'll be killed by the Knight Commander of Blanchett."

Chloe sighed softly, giving up. No matter how much she talked, he wouldn't give up. Of course, she could just send him off by ordering him to go back angrily, but she was too exhausted.

The hill, which seemed quite low, turned out to be a bit difficult to climb. Light snow was piled up on the ground due to the harsh northern weather, causing her feet to sink.

"Huff, huff."

Chloe was running out of breath as Herace, who was walking by her side, asked a lot of questions.

"Do you exercise?"

"I do, huff, walk."

"My Lady, you have to do more exercise. You're so weak..."


Chloe focused on climbing the hill and ignored Herace, who was rambling beside her. Her tears had dried up without even realizing it.

Nonetheless, the hill was small, so they arrived at the top in no time.

"Whew... Whoa!"

When she looked down and took a big breath, she felt cold yet refreshing air filling her lungs. The view of the frozen lake was quite nice at a glance. Looking down at the dense coniferous forest, she felt relieved.

She could feel her mind calming down. Come to think of it, she said everything she wanted to say to Leila. That made her feel at peace. She could also see Abel skating in the distance. She was happy to see him enjoying himself, as he had gotten used to it by now.

Chloe waved to Abel because it seemed as if the child was somehow looking at her. However, it seemed to be her imagination because Abel didn't wave back.

"Sir, if you've finished your duties here, you can go down."

Chloe glanced at the figure beside her while speaking coldly.

"Are you letting me go because you don't need me, my Lady? Though I didn't show it, I struggled hard to climb up. You are so mean!"

Herace tried to deceive her using his face which didn't show a hint of fatigue. If she let her guard down because of his face, she would be entangled in his momentum and climb another hill with him, just like now.

"Sir, I'm grateful for your concern. However, I have a family now. Honestly speaking, I don't feel comfortable being alone with you."

She preferred to speak directly when it came to this kind of person. Chloe said thanks but pushed him away once again.

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