Chapter Thirty: The Despairing Side Of The Fight Between Married Couple (3)

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"Abel, I'm sorry that Mother came to your room late last night. Did Jane put you to bed?"

Chloe asked while combing Abel's hair with her fingers.

"No, it's not a problem at all! Father is the one who put me to sleep."


Chloe asked in surprise. When she went back to their bedroom, Abel was asleep.


"I see..."

Chloe nodded steadily. It turned out that he left her to go to Abel's bedroom last night. She couldn't say anything, but complicated thoughts filled her head.

"Mother, you know what?"


"Father likes everything about me!"

Abel smiled brightly and boasted. She thought he spent a meaningful time with his father last night.

"That must have been pleasant to hear, my son."

Chloe smiled at the child. However, a bitter feeling that she failed to hide passed over her face for a brief moment.

Fortunately, the child didn't notice his mother's awkward smile because he was busy recalling the touching events of last night.


Leaving Chloe alone, Gerard headed for the bedroom where his son slept. He sent away Jane, who was reading a fairy tale book when he entered to attend to his wife, and laid down beside Abel.


The child's eyes were already drowsy.

"Yes, my son. Did Father wake you?"

Abel shook his head excitedly at Gerard's question. Once he nodded, he began patting Abel's round belly without saying anything.

How long had it been? He struggled to speak.

"Abel, Father... I'm so thankful that you're my son."

Honestly, he had no idea what he was supposed to say to the child. What would ideal parents say to their children in this kind of situation? He had no idea because he neither experienced it or learned about it before.

Therefore, he decided to convey his thoughts as they were.

"It's a good thing that Abel has blonde hair that resembles mine, and it's even better that you have blue eyes, which resemble your mother. It's a wonderful thing that Abel is a boy, and it's good that you want to be a knight just like me. It's a good thing when you decide to try things alone without help from others, and it's so cute when you puff up your cheeks when I tease you."

Before he realized it, Abel was looking at his father with wide eyes. Gerard continued while maintaining eye contact with his son.

"It's okay to be a little timid, or soft-hearted which makes you unable to overlook pitiful things, it's fine to be reasonably picky, and it's acceptable to obtain a low score in math despite being good at everything else. Oh, and it's good to have a competitive spirit. Uhm, also..."

Gerard counted on his fingers while listing off good things about Abel. From a certain point on, he was saying that not only Abel's strengths, but his shortcomings were good. However, what could he do? Even the child's shortcomings were still considered good and didn't really feel like shortcomings.

'Did I say too many things?'

Gerard regretted it for a moment. He should have said it in a nicer way.

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