Chapter Thirty 8: The Despairing Side Of The Fight Between Married Couple (11)

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It wasn't the time to think about nine years ago. Real time was passing by while Gerard's mind lingered in the past. The Blanchett family party was currently due to arrive in the Capital in a day.

However, the relationship between the Lord and Lady of Blanchett was getting worse without any hint of improvement. Chloe had been treating Gerard coldly for almost a week. Eventually, she treated him like he didn't exist.

At first, Gerard tried to make his wife vent her anger to him. However, he couldn't even apologize properly because they couldn't have a proper conversation. The longer the cold war between him and his wife lasted, the more anxious he became.

In fact, the reason for the war between them was clear. Nothing had been resolved between the married couple. It was no wonder that hatred and anger were engulfing Chloe's heart completely. As much as she loved and relied on her husband, his betrayal left a big and hideous scar. If she could, she wanted to throw the scandalous letters in her husband's face.

However, she had to put up with it until they arrived at home. She couldn't show the others that she was currently fighting with her husband. Her personality, which cared about other people's eyes, forced her to suppress violent emotions.

Meanwhile, Gerard was haunted by unsolved questions. What on earth was the relationship between his wife and Herace Moore? Why did she come to the North? Why did she lie to him? In the end, the questions that couldn't be solved gradually sparked his imagination.

Also, he couldn't erase the idea that his wife's anger was too much. It was his fault he started this fight with his wife. There was no excuse for saying such things to Abel. However, he sensed that his wife was angry with him before all this.

It felt like she had another reason to be cold.

'Did she feel affectionate towards that b*stard since she hasn't seen him in a while? Was she moved by him?'

Gerard's eyes gleamed sharply. Extreme assumptions kept circulating in his head.

The more he tried not to think, the more bad thoughts appeared like dark clouds. A scene where Herace embraced Chloe's shoulders affectionately suddenly appeared in Gerard's mind.

'Who is he to dare to put his hand around her shoulder?'

He gnawed on his bottom lip. Even though it was merely a passing vision, his possessiveness flared up ferociously. He had to breathe hard to calm himself down.

'If the Lady feels sorry that he hurt his leg... There's nothing I can't do. If I have to fall off a horse to get the Lady's heart back, I will.'

The shaky relationship he had with his wife, the nightmare that went on every night, and an unpleasant past that flickered before his eyes. Everything was gnawing at Gerard. Therefore, he didn't even realize that his thoughts spiraled in an abnormal way.


Was Gerard's jealousy reflected in his dreams? During lunchtime, he had a strange dream.

Gerard didn't realize it, but his dreams always began with a book. He had to read the strange book in his dream and went through the things written in it.

The experience was so vivid that it was hard to tell whether it was a dream or reality. When he woke up, his memories dispersed like fog.

"My Lady..."


Gerard called Chloe. She turned around in surprise.

"Have you been hiding in this kind of a place?"

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