Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

    "Han Jingyuan, why don't I cook."

    "No, you go to the stove and help me light the fire."

    Han Jingyuan offered him to cook dinner.

    For a man who can only order a bowl of chopped green onion noodles, and it is not very tasty, when he suddenly rolled up his sleeves and insisted on making four dishes and one soup, Su Ying suspected that she would not be able to eat dinner.

    Su Ying is a person who pursues food, and at the same time, she had better let it go, "If you insist on cooking, green onion noodles are also fine." Han Jingyuan cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices on the chopping board, and

    then Cut into thin shreds, served with a shredded chili pepper with green skin.

    He said: "The genes of the Han family are all the same. My eldest brother can cook, and Han Jingchen can learn quickly. I am such an old man, it is impossible for me to learn from Han Jingchen. You have already told me the steps. I can definitely give Tudou The shredded silk is fried, by the way, there is an appropriate amount of vinegar, is there no fixed standard for this amount?"

    Su Ying tilted her head from under the stove, looked up at the man, "just the right amount, it depends on the feeling, the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar are all based on the feeling, just the right amount. Like you are on a mission, according to the actual situation, adapt to the situation, you can put a little less first, taste the salty, sour, hot, and then add more."

    If the man who cooks is attractive, Su Ying can't bear to criticize him for his cooking skills It's stupid.

    Especially for a man like Han Jingyuan, who is tall and has long legs, wide shoulders and narrow waist, and solid muscles. Standing in front of the stove calmly, can such a perfect man not be tempted to make dinner for her?

    Even if half a bottle of vinegar was poured in, she would still be able to eat it in front of Han Jingyuan's flawless handsome face.

    He is so good-looking, Su Ying thought, the dog man's long eyelashes that curl naturally like crow's wings are even longer and denser than hers, and when he falls asleep tonight, he insists on kissing him.

    Han Jingyuan, who was pouring vinegar into the shredded potatoes, shook his hand, and there was half a spoonful of white vinegar.

    "Su Ying, Xiao Su, are you at home?"


    The aunt of the service agency got off work and sent a message to Su Ying, "Your Xing Xing called and said that the base family courtyard will play an outdoor movie tonight. They will come back after watching the movie and ask me to send you a message. Don't make their dinner." "

    "Thank you, auntie."

    "Yo, is Han Jingyuan cooking in your family?" Auntie stood at the door of the kitchen, looked at the shredded potatoes stir-fried in the pot, smelled the excessive sour smell, and said with a smile: "This vinegar is too much. It’s not a food for cooking.”

    Su Ying laughed under the stove, and after her aunt left, she got up and said, “You heard me, Xing Xing and the others don’t come back to eat. I’ll make another potato shreds at night. Cucumber, don't cook the rest of the dishes."

    "Okay." Han Jingyuan didn't insist, and quickly put the hot and sour potato shreds on a plate.

    "By the way, when I was shopping for vegetables today, I saw Xu Fenyue queuing up to buy meat at the supply and marketing cooperative. She stole things from the cafeteria, so let's forget about it?" There is also the

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