her daily life

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The morning after the skills competition, I woke up with a smile on my face. I looked at my phone hoping to see a DM from Jack. All I saw was a text from my mom and a snap notification from my brother Benjamin.

Half of me was disappointed, the other half was saying 'he's a hockey boy. what were you expecting?'

I walk out to gathe kitchenette to surprisingly see Nicole eating breakfast already. "Wow this is a rare occurrence," I told Nicole. "I know! But here's the thing, Auston and I are going out tonight." I gasped. "That was quick Nic, he must be quite the womanizer." I chuckled and she gave me the finger.

I wanted to go out to the beach. I gathered all the necessities in my Marc Jacob tote bag and put a bikini on with a beach skirt. Nicole agreed to go with me.

We hopped in our rental car and drove to the beach. It was around twelve noon and we parked. The beach was beautiful. Not too many people were there. The only downside of the Atlantic Ocean is that it's salty as hell. Nicole and I were just sitting there letting the waves crash into us when some water got into my mouth. It's so nasty. 0/10 don't recommend.

I also wanted to go to take my mind off of Jack. I know I met him yesterday and we barely talked but I was sad to not see any texts from him asking how I was.

We do head back to Alberta tomorrow though so he'll be out of my head by then I'm sure.

Nicole told me that she had to go because she had that date with Auston. She was so exited about that I could tell. "I'll help you with your hair." "Just straighten it while I do my makeup." She said.

The aftermath was so nice. Since it was just a casual bar date. She wore a pair of mom jean shorts with a black and gold belt with a black tank top that slightly showed her cleavage. I'm so happy for Nicole.

Nic ordered an Uber to the bar. "Let me know if you need anything!" I yelled to her as she walked out the hotel room.

I was temped to text Jack but it was mid afternoon so he was either with a girl or getting prepared for a game.

2 days later

Nic and I were finally back in Alberta. God I missed this place. The mountains and that fresh country smell.

Nicole texted me that she was surprising me and bringing me somewhere tonight.

I'm still so pissed at Jack. I expected at least a text after he was the one that asked for my instagram. I wasn't even expecting to still be thinking about this. Oh well. I need to get over it.

 I need to get over it

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Liked by Nicole

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Liked by Nicole.dubs, jackhughes, and 1,766 others

ella.leblanc: Miami with babe 💋🌴

I just looked at my recent instagram post and I am fuming with anger. Jack liked my fucking post. He dosent bother to text me or anything but of course he's active. Fuck him.

Hours pass and it's finally time to go to the suprise event. I already did some snooping and saw it was an oilers game. Didn't know who they were playing against so I assumed it was against another Canadian team.

Nicole told me that there was no backing out of this and told me what it was. (Even though I knew)

I wore my McDavid jersey and put a pair of mom jeans on with my hair in a clip. Nic picked me up and we drove an hour to the arena. It wasn't too busy when we arrived. She got us net seats again. God I love Nicole. She always spoils me. Something catches my eye as the players are about to step onto the ice. I look onto the jumbotron to see that the oilers are playing none other than the New Jersey Devs. Now I know why Nicole was adamant about us going. I told her about being pissed off at Jack so she just had to bring me here.

The players then filed out onto the ice. We weren't on the oilers side though. We were on New Jerseys side so not only will I have to see him play, I'll have to watch him warm up too.

As they are circling around he doesn't notice me. When they start going around the face off circles doing a shooting drill, he finds me in the crowd and smiles quickly as he passes me. That smile made me so angry. He's such a dickhead and I barely even know him.

After the first period, New jersey is up by 2. Jack scored one of those goals. In the celebration, he skates up to the boards where we are and taps on the glass right where we sit. I rolled my eyes at him letting him know that I wasn't exactly pleased to see him.

The second period goes by and the oilers score late. Connor scored and I cheered extra loud. Then I see myself on the jumbotron cheering. I hope jack sees me cheering hard for the oilers. They have been my favourite team ever since I could remember.

The end of the game comes and the oilers end up winning 3-1!! McDavid ends up getting the other two getting him a hat trick! I was so happy and as they were leaving the ice, I made sure to give Jack a grin so he would know I was happy to see them lose.

I was standing near the front entrance to the arena waiting for Nicole to come back from the washroom when this guy in a navy blue polo approaches me and asks me if I was who I was. "Ella LeBlanc?" He asked me. "Yes what can I help you with?" I was curious. I texted Nicole saying I might be a while and to just drive home, I'll get an Uber.

"Someone has requested to see you in the back. I cant explain more." He leads me into the back. The dots are starting to connect in my mind. He's leading me to the visitors dressing room area.

I wonder who wanted to see me? I joked to myself.

Jack walked out of the room and when he saw me he just smiled. "What do you want?" I said in an angry tone. "Woah there, why are you even here?" "I live in Alberta, and I got dragged to this game. Wasn't expecting and didn't want to see you.

"Why is that, we just met."
"Remember how you were the one who asked for my instagram and didn't even text me after the all star competition?" His face dropped. "Yeah about that-" "it's fine-" I cut him off. "Just the next time you ask a girl for their contact info, maybe take up the request and actually do what you say."

"I'm sorry Ella, I was just caught up with things." "Like what" I snapped "I also saw you posted about hanging out with a girl on your story. Why didn't you just leave me alone if you were going to fuck me over like that?"

"I'm sorry Ella. Can we just start over? I knew I should've texted you but I wasn't sure if you'd respond either."

I was willing to forgive him because I wanted to see where this would go. "Alright then, text me your plans for a date tomorrow night then." Before he could say anything, I walked away saying "bye jack." In the distance. I could still feel his eyes on me as I walked out of the hall.

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