a game to remember

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It was time to get ready for the game.  I wasn't gonna be wearing a Devils jersey. Auston had a spare one with no name in his closet, so Nicole just gave that to me to wear.

I put my hair in two braids that went down my shoulders, and put on some black red sweatpants with a black pair of converse that Nicole also let me borrow. " you might as well take my whole closet Ella.." she jokes. " I still haven't gotten all my stuff out of jack's house yet Nicole. Not planning on it anytime soon since I don't really want to see him."

" well, you're going to have to go get your stuff someday."

" I'm sending my friend Jamie to get the rest of my stuff. I gave her jack's number."

" so after that you're officially done?" Asked Nicole.

" When were we never done?" I laid on a fake smile on my lips trying to hold in tears. I wasn't very good at hiding my emotions. I never  have in my twenty one years of life. 

Nicole grab my shoulder and squeezed it, trying to comfort me. " don't think of this game as having to see jack. it's a fun girls night with you and I.  we can even go to a Bar after."

"Alright.. don't we have to leave right now?" I looked at my phone and realized that the game starts soon.

Nicole looks at the time and her eyes go into a state of panic. "Shit yeah we do! Come on we gotta run down to the car!" We leave the apartment and she locks the door.

We run down the stairs all the way to the parking garage and we get out shit in gear to make it to the Scotiabank centre.

As we run into the arena, the crowd is huge. "Well, so much for beating the crowd." Nicole sighs.

"It's alright, let's get to our seats and then we can get food." I usher us up to our section.

When we get to our seats, there is a blonde woman sitting. "Aryne!" Nicole exclaims.

"Nic! So good to see you!" They hug and she locks eyes with me. "Hi! I'm Aryne. I'm John Tavares' wife." She pulls me into a hug. "This is my longtime best friend, Ella." Nicole says.

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you Ella. I hope you feel at home here." She gives me a comforting smile. I'm assuming Nicole told her my whole story about Jack so she wouldn't bring it up.

The music in arena got louder all of a sudden and the announcer started talking. I had looked up from my phone to see that the ice was all ready and the players were going to come out soon.

"Now on the ice, YOURRR TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS!!!!"

One by one each player of Toronto gets onto the ice and skates around in circles. On the other side of the dark arena is New Jersey. There are barely any devil fans here. I can only see a sea of blue in the stands.

The last Devil to step onto the ice is Jack. We're far away from their end but I recognize the fluffy hair coming out of the back of his helmet.  He doesn't look much different then he did when we broke up. He isn't growing a beard again.

I couldn't stop myself from looking at him. My heart ached looking at him and remembering what went down.


The game starts with Jack on . The leafs win the face off. New Jersey may not have the best game tonight.

First period intermission

"I'm hungry, but I'm too lazy to get up and get food.." Nicole groaned as she put her elbows on her quads giving her head a rest.

"I don't feel like getting up either.. I'm not in the brightest mood right now." I added. I think everyone connected the dots as to why.

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