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"What is it?" I Said in a giddy tone.

He smiles so big and brings up two pieces of paper. I couldn't see what they were through the screen because of the Facetime quality. "I can't see what is is you dummy!" I yelled through the screen. "They're plane tickets! I'm flying you and Nicole to Jersey Ella, since we play the Leafs next week I thought why not invite you guys to come and hang out and watch. Nic can also spend some time with Auston if he has time too." "Oh my god Jack!!!!! You're a genius. We're going to have so much fun.." I said with an evil grin on my face. "You better not try and pull any pranks though. I don't feel like getting sprayed with silly string from a hairspray can again," He said jokingly.

"I won't I promise."

Alright then, I guess it's time to get packed. I texted a copy of the tickets to you. It's time to get ready!" "I am so exited. I love you so so so so much!" I squealed. Spending time with him would be so good for our friendship.

"Alright I have to leave for my practice now. FaceTime later?" He asked. "Yeah it depends, I might be sleeping by then." I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. "I'll wake you up then. I'll talk to you later El."

time skip (flight day!)

Alright, I have everything packed and ready to leave. I just have to wake up Nicole. That'll be a challenge. She ain't a morning person.

I walk into her room to see her dozed off. Her bags are all packed so I dragged them out to the door and then walked back into her room to wake her up. Part of me doesn't want to wake her up because she'll beat me the fuck up for disturbing her so called "Beauty Sleep". I have to though or we'll miss our flight.

"Nicole wake the fuck up!! We have to go!" I shook her awake and she slapped me on the arm. "El oh my god I'm getting up stop shaking me." She said in a groggy tone.

We finally made it out of the house and to the airport. Security went by quickly and we were on the plane soon after.

I was so exited to see Jack. He told me over FaceTime that I'd get to meet his brother Luke.

When we got off of the plane and got our bags, we went to the arrival area to find our ride. I couldn't see him. I studied the crowd and FINALLY found him with a huge grin plastered on his face. My heart flew. Wait my heart flew. I am not falling in love with this guy.

I ran up to him and wrapped him in a huge hug with my arms around his neck and his arms on my waist.

Nicole gave me a "you look like you love him" look and pulled away.

"It's been so long Jacky!" I exclaimed. "I know, I have so many things that I want to do while you guys are here." "Cant wait!" Said Nicole.

We put our bags into the car and drove off. "I really missed you El." That caught me by surprised.  "Awwwww you softie," I hit him on the arm softly. "I missed you too."  We just talked about what he had planned for the week.

3 days later (lake day!)

"Alright everyone ready to go?" Jack asked us.
"Yeppers all good Jacky." mocked Nicole.
He pulled out of the driveway and we seated our three hour drive.

I say in the front next to Jack.  We just talked about how everything is. Although we pretty much already knew everything. I looked to the back seat to see Nic dozed off. She looked very peaceful and I wanted to take my Gatorade bottle and just spray it on her, but then I looked at the front mirror and Jack gave a "don't do that you'll regret it" look so I resisted the urge. We were going to meet Luke at the lake because he was staying a few days there. Jack told me all about him and how he was just a 'g' and how I could trust him.

We finally arrived at the lake. I was so exited to splash Jack and Nicole with endless amounts of water.

We took turns getting changed in the car and kept guard. As soon as we were all ready we placed our stuff down on the sand and ran into the water. When Jack turned around I splashed a handful of water at him. "Ella are you serious!" He laughed and grinned. "Calm down lovebirds" said Nicole. "Shut the hell up Nicole." I said talking back. Did I mind? Not really but I wasn't going to say that out loud.

Like 2 hours later Nicole was sunbathing on the towels and it was just Jack and I swimming.

"Soooo, are you exited for the game?" Jack asked. "Uhm hell yeah I am, although my favourite man on earth isn't going to be playing." I said in a fake pouty tone. 
"No your wrong, he'll be there. He's actually number 86 on the Devils." He said with an evil looking smile on his face. "You're stupid," I said as I splashed water in his face.

He grabbed me and I couldn't move my arms and dunked me in the water. When he pulled me out I pushed him into the lake and we just go into a watertight. About 15 minutes later Nicole came back into the water. "You lamos disrupted my beauty sleep." She looked kind of pissed but at the same time was joking too.

All of a sudden a black convertible pulled into the Lake parking lot.

When the driver got out of the vehicle Jack's eyes lit up. "Yo what's up Luke!!" Jack yelled from the lake. "Heyy Jack." He replied.

He looked like he had the same body type as Jack and was a little bit taller.

We all made our way back to land.
"You must be Ella, Jack has told me a lot about you." We shook hands. "Yeah pleased to meet you. I don't know how you felt with this idiot for so many years." I laughed and pointed at Jack. 

"Me neither. Now that I have to play on the same team as him it's going to be ten times worse." He chuckled and Jack gave him a death stare.

The rest of the time that we spent at the lake was a blast. We got along with Luke so well. When I was talking I could see Jack looking over in our direction with jealous looking eyes. That sucks for him.

I wasn't interested in a relationship as I told him a while ago.

The drive back was excruciating, Jack made me drive but that was no biggie, he had been driving for the days that we'd been here so I wasn't going to complain.  When we were about 10 miles from his house, they were knocked out cold. Luke and Nicole seemed like they were cuddling (weird, guess they're thinking that they are cuddling with their person) I looked at Jack and he looked so sweet. He had his mouth open a tad. My little brother Benjamin used to do that so it made me smile a bit.

When we got back to the house I had to be the evil person and wake them all up.

I walked Jack to his room because he seemed extra groggy. "Goodnight, Jack."

"Goodnight Chelsea"

Who the fuck was that? Must be an ex.

Tomorrow was the night that they had their hockey game so Luke and Jack had to be up around 7 to get to practice.

Tomorrow will be interesting.

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