memory lane

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I'm eating breakfast at the counter right now. I decided to make my comfort food, bacon and hash browns with some maple syrup drizzled on top. No it's not gross, it's actually the most delicious thing I've had till this day.

I was in a particularly sad mood today. This was my last day in Toronto. I had to get up extremely early tomorrow morning to catch my flight back to Newark.

I just feel like if I go back, I'll have nobody either than Jamie. I'll be lonely.

I have to go back for the sake of my job though.

Nicole walks out from her and Auston's room looking like a train wreck. I laugh at her and she gives me a death stare.

"What's got you in a bad mood?" I ask.

"Auston wouldn't stay in bed with me. He had to go somewhere and he won't tell me where."

"Oh, can't relate. I'm single as hell." I say jokingly but saying it makes my body twitch and just feel weird.

Nicole rolls her eyes and goes back into her room to get changed. We aren't doing much today. Actually we are having a High School Musical marathon to end this visit off.

"Come on please Jacky!" I beg him with puppy eyes. "You'll love it I promise!" I tell him. We're cuddling  on our couch and debating on what movie we should watch. He rolls his eyes and smothers me with kisses on my head. "Fine. Only the first one.."

I jump I'm excitement and immediately turn High School Musical on. "Just watch it, you'll come to learn why I love it so much." I smile and press a kiss onto his soft lips.

After the movie is done, I try and get up to start getting ready for bed. He grabs my arm. "Didn't you say there was another one?" He looks at me and asks.

"Why? Do you want to watch it?" A smirk grows on my lips and I wait for him to answer my question. He scrunches his lips up hiding his embarrassment "Maybe.." he says in a high pitched tone.

"Of course there is. I'll put it on right now." 
He flashes a toothy grin at me and I get back onto the couch and under our blanket.

We were at the part where Gabriella and Troy have their little breakup scene at the pool. "Why is she leaving?!" Jack yells.

"She can't deal with his attitude anymore babe.." I answer his question.

"But I don't want her to leave him!! They're meant to be!"

"Just be Patient Jacky, just be patient." I tell him fully knowing what's going to happen later in the movie.

At the end of the song I look up at him and he looks like there are tears in his eyes. I laugh and grab his cheek. "It's all going to be alright."

At the talent show scene, Jack is still very sad. When Troy goes up to the stage and sings the first part of 'Everyday', Gabriella joins him in unison.

"Oh my god!! She's back!" He exclaims and hugs me very tightly. "Jesus Jack, you're squeezing my organs out." He giggles like a little boy knowing that the duo in the movie were back together.

friends? - Jack Hughes Where stories live. Discover now