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The flight landed and I was back in Newark at around 12.

My doctors appointment was at one so I looked it up on google maps. It was a twenty minute drive so I ordered an Uber that was wheelchair accessible.

How I missed the New Jersey air. It didn't have a particular smell, just clean and I missed it.
I was waiting for my Uber and it came five minutes later.

The kind woman helped me into her car. We had a nice conversation about the city. Driving on the freeway gave me confidence. It was so peaceful.

My mind all of a sudden went to Jack.

Shit, I was back in Jersey, so I had to do something. I had to find him, and make things right.

I was going to have to do that after I got back from the doctors appointment.

We finally got to the office. I paid the lady and wished her well.

I went into the office. I had to go to the fourth floor since that was where the doctor that had helped me through my accident was.

I wheeled myself into the elevator, and made my way up.

I still had some time before the doctor was ready to see me. I decided to post on instagram so everyone would know I'm still alive.

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friends? - Jack Hughes Where stories live. Discover now