is it always going to be like this?

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A few months later

Jack and I moved in together. The thing is, he hasn't actually formally asked me to be his girlfriend. We're just roommates now.

I was sitting on the couch watching TV when he walks in the room. He leans down behind the couch and pecks me on the cheek. My cheeks heat up. I wonder why..

"I was thinking you could come to my game tonight, El. It's a home game of course and I know how you love sitting near other NHL girlfriends."  Jack commented.

"I'm so sorry Jack, I have to finish approving something for work and it's going to take all day. I have to go into the office."

I get up off of the couch. Jack seems a little bit different than he was mere seconds ago.

I go and get changed into my work clothes.
I went into the kitchen to get the lunch I packed yesterday night for the big day ahead of me. Jack still isn't speaking since I told him that I couldn't come to his game tonight.

It's not time to think about that right now though. I have to go to work. I have to leave now.

As I'm stepping out the front door, Jack finally speaks.

"It's like you never have time for me anymore." He says in a glum and quiet tone.

"What?" What the fuck? Where is this coming from?

"You always have something going on, I can't remember the last time we even slept together, or had a nice dinner. Fuck, I can't even remember the last time you came to one of my games." He laughed angrily.

"Jack, what the fuck? You know I've been busy. I'm trying to build a career for myself you know. I'm not purposely making all these things up.. you know what? I'm not in the mood to fight right now. I have to leave."

I could feel water building up in my tear ducts. "Go! Just leave. Nothing new!" He yells as I walk out the door.

The tears start falling down my face making my eyesight driving the car very hard.  I think
I can manage though. It's not terrible.

I turn out of the private neighbourhood that Jack and I live in and turn into a busy road. I'm looking at my phone to see what's going on because I heard a vibration. Assuming it's Jack looking to apologize, I look harder because I can't see very well. I never do see who texted because after I looked, I felt pressure and then black. The last thing I hear is crashing.

friends? - Jack Hughes Where stories live. Discover now