trying to hold back

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I wake up but not in Jamie's house. What the hell? I small a slight but very familiar cologne. Kind of like green apple and pine.

I turn to my side and see that fluffy light brown hair. What the hell was I doing here!

Panicked, I slap myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I mean how the hell would I know?

The person on the bed turns over to face me. Those blue eyes are so piercing it hurts. I feel myself smile and and pull myself closer to him. Jack doesn't say anything but kisses me softly on the head and hugs me so my chin is resting on the crook in his neck.

All of a sudden he pulls away and says something.

"Ella? Hello?" Says a voice that wasn't Jacks. "Ellaaa?" I snap out of it and realize that I was no longer in Jacks bedroom. I was in my room at Jamie's place. It takes me a second to get used to my surroundings and there sitting straight up in the bed, tears start rolling down my face.

"Ella, what's wrong? I was just telling you that breakfast is ready. You know we have work today." She comes closer and sits on my bed.

"I just can't take feeling alone here!" I burst out.

"Wha-" I cut Jamie off.

"I know I have you and I really really appreciate you. It's just missing Jack and not having someone to be coming home to at the end of the day is killing me Jamie." I let out a muffled sob and Jamie brings me into her arms.

Crying into her shoulder, she says something that sparks motivation in me.

"I've seen him at that cafe down the street multiple times lately. You know he could miss you too."

"That was his favourite Cafe. He has a good friend that's a waitress there that he enjoys talking to. I doubt it has anything to do with me." I've calmed down a little bit but I'm still crying.

" you don't know what he's thinking, ella."
Neither does she so I wish she would just drop the subject.

" anyways, we will be doing your little magazine front cover work when we get into work today."

I totally forgot about that.

" let's just leave now then so we can get it done." I add. I admit, at first it sounded fun but with all the shit going on in my life, I just don't feel like it anymore. I'm going to do this for Jamie though.


We arrive at the building. I say hi to the receptionist and continue my way to the elevator.

Once we arrived on our floor, Jamie ushered me into her office.

"Okay El, we need to start on this story for the cover." She explained.

"Alright shoot me some questions then."

As she was asking the questions I couldn't help but just zone out. Jack was getting into my head. I had to focus, just at least for this interview.

After the interview was done, I went back to my desk to approve some project ideas.

Why don't you just go to his house?

Shut up, I'm at work right now.

You can't even focus without thinking about him.

I can't just go to his house.

Just do it.

If it will make you shut up then I'll do it.

My mind would not stop convincing me to go to his house. I just had to let those intrusive thoughts win though.

friends? - Jack Hughes Where stories live. Discover now