Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7

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A Fatal Countdown Begins! Fukitsu Makes His Move!

Far behind Sky's fleet, the rest of the Straw Hats begin to form their own plans on Lighthouse Empire.

As Usopp, Chopper, Franky and Brook run along the deck of the city together, they observe the last of the townspeople making their way below deck, hastily hiding themselves from any potential danger.

"Boy, these folks sure can pack up quick!" Franky comments.

Usopp agrees. "You're telling me. It's like a ghost ship now!"

"Now I truly feel welcome!" Brook quips. 

Chopper, who has transformed into strong point, looks to Usopp with concern. "So what's the plan now? Where are we going?"

"Why are you asking me?! I'm just running with the rest of you!"

"Whaa--you mean you don't have a plan?"

"Chopper, what in our history together would ever make you think I have a plan!?"

Franky stops himself. "Alright, let's just hold on for a second and figure this out." The rest of the group slides to a stop beside him. "The first thing we need to do is find the local security force."

Brook looks around. "Do they even have one? Everyone is gone!"

"Are you kidding? A city this large has to have a guard."

Chopper nods. "That's true. Sky did mention they've had many attacks in the past, and they seem to be well prepared for it."

Franky then looks above him and spots a lookout tower directly over their heads. "Alright--I'm heading to the top of that tower." He points to the lookout. "I'll be able to spot any ships much better then they can." One of Franky's eyes suddenly transforms into a very large scope.

Usopp pumps his fist. "Right! Then just leave finding the guard to us!"

"Meet me back here as soon as you find them." Franky begins to climb the tower.

Usopp watches him for a moment, then runs forward again, waving the crew to follow.

After covering a bit more distance, they soon spot a large group of people gathered around the base of the main lighthouse. Many have swords and large guns strapped to their backs. 

Chopper points them out. "Look there! That must be them!"

As the group arrives in front of the guard, one of the older men immediately recognizes them. "Hey, Straw Hats!"

"Are you guys the local security force?" Usopp inquires.

"That obvious, huh?" The older man jokes. He is dressed in blue and gray light armor, which hides his barrel chest, and sports a short salt and pepper beard with matching hair. On his back is a large blue sword, similar to the one Tydal carries. "You here to help?"

"You bet!" Chopper confirms happily. 

Usopp's nervousness quickly surfaces. "Well, not me so much. I'll supervise, of course. But I'm sure most of you already have this under control, right?"

Chopper turns to him angrily. "You're wimping out already?!" 

The man chuckles. "Sounds good to me! We need all the help we can get."

Brook steps forward. "We're ready to work our fingers to the bone for you, sir!" He quips. 

"Glad to hear it! The name's Tydus. Good to finally meet you all."

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