Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8

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Act 2

Meanwhile, off the coast of Lighthouse Empire, Usopp, Franky, and Chopper & Muskers continue to lead the security force through the endless line of Navy vessels. They leap and bound from ship to ship, with each Straw Hat taking turns destroying a section of the ship, while the security soldiers beat off the armed sailors.

Usopp sends flame stars and killer plants flying across the deck, setting ammunition crates ablaze and swallowing sailors whole. Franky--in his new Frankytronic form--hammers masts, splintering them apart like twigs as they fall into the deck. Chopper rides atop Muskers confidently with charging battle cries, as Muskers hops between ships rabbit kicking the hulls, bursting open the wooden panels.   

Usopp runs down the deck with a large group of security soldiers following him, their weapons primed a ready to strike. "Don't stop now, men! Keep fighting with all your strength. No mercy!"

"Yes, sir!" The men call out as they charge past him, clashing with more sailors. 

Usopp begins to weep happily again as they pass, looking to the sky in total bliss. "I can't believe I'm really here! This is really happening! Are there really eight thousand men at my command?! Ha HA!"

Chopper and Muskers stop beside him for a moment. "I don't think so, more like a few hundred."

Usopp turns to them aggressively. "Stop ruining my dream!"

The Straw Hats continue to battle for some time. They lose many men, but with the power of their core, and the remaining warriors who battle with all their might, it appears the group may slowly be securing victory. 

As a few more ships are destroyed, the Straw Hats jump to a neighboring ship, which has been abandoned by the crew and left to sink. Franky runs to the aft of the ship and examines the rest of the fleet. He notices that many of the ships are pulling away from them.

"Hey, look! The fleet is thinning out!" Frank shouts, pointing toward the fleet.

Usopp, Chopper and Muskers arrive beside him. "What--seriously?" Usopp wonders. 

The security force agrees. "Yeah, see? The ships are slowing and pulling away from us!" One of them exclaims. 

Chopper turns toward them. "So that's it? We won?"

Usopp throws his hands in the air. "We did it!" 

The soldiers cheer and begin jumping and pumping their fists in celebration. Franky and Chopper high five, as Muskers yowls in delight. 

Usopp stands tall and proud with his hands on his hips, wagging his finger at the fleet. "We showed them! That will teach you to mess with the mighty Usopp!" He laughs hardily. 

But just then, Franky--who has been keeping his eyes on the fleet--suddenly notices something else fast approaching on the horizon. He narrows his gaze and leans forward. "...Wait. What's that out there?" He gestures to another figure beyond the ships.

As Chopper and Usopp look out over the sea, they can now see that the ships are not retreating, but making room for something else to pass through. Something much bigger.

Chopper begins to tremble. "W-What is that thing?!"

Usopp covers his eyes from the sun. "It looks huge!"

Franky fixates a scope on his eye again, zooming his vision and adjusting the focus. When the figure has come into clear view, he can now see what appears to be a very large Navy ship, with an enormous battering hammer attached to the bow, shaped like a ram's head with curling horns. 

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