Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 9

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Act 2

Meanwhile, inside the first floor of the compound, Robin and Nami stand ready in front of Io. After fully healing himself with ease after the last attacks, their resolve and strength have wavered. Their minds race with possibilities, but after Io's sheer display of fortitude, imminent downfall seems more likely with each passing moment.

"This is impossible!" Nami exclaims, gripping her clima-tact tightly. "How are we suppose to win against something like that! Even if we do find an advantage, he's just going to heal himself."

Robin wipes sweat from her brow. "I have to admit, this is indeed a troubling situation. But every enemy has their weakness--him included. We just haven't found it yet."

"Got any great ideas?"

"Working on it."

"Well we're going to need a few fast, or we're done for."

Io cackles. "Babble, babble, babble. Discuss your fickle plans all you want. But deep down you know you're already beaten."

Robin's face hardens. "This is far from over, fiend!"

Nami agrees and tries to smile confidently. "That's right! You may have faced a lot of opponents, but you haven't faced the Straw Hats yet!"

Io grins evilly. "No matter. You pirates are all the same. And you'll drown in my blood like the rest of them!" He lifts his hands into the air, preparing another attack.

Robin instinctively jumps toward Nami. "Watch out!"

"BLOOD CLAWS!" Io calls out. From his ghostly hands, giant sharp red claws spring forth, flying forward straight toward Robin and Nami.

Nami spins her clima-tact. "I've got this! MIRAGE TEMPO!" With a burst of energy, a thin misty wall cascades around them, instantly creating several shapes and outlines of Robin and Nami's figures. Io's blood claws impact two of the figures, but pass through them and vanish in the mist.

Io's expression shifts to surprise. "What?! What is this?!"

Nami laughs from beyond the mist. "What's the matter? Having trouble finding us? Better not take too long."

Io huffs. "More ridiculous tricks? Ha! You really think that's going to stop me?"

"By the time you finally find us, you might just be in trouble. Or dead."

Io laughs. "Bold. But you're forgetting one little detail, my sweet. There's no where for you to run!" He raises his hands over his head, then vigorously thrusts them downward. "BLOOD FLOOD!"

In the blink of an eye, Io sends huge waves of blood crashing down into the room. They impact on the surface and immediately fill the chamber wall to wall with red liquid. Nami's mirage gives way, finally revealing she and Robin being swept away by the strong currents, bashed into the iron walls, shouting as they attempt to cling to anything they can find.  

Io cackles with delight. "Having fun yet, ladies?" He places one hand in front of him and clenches his fist. "And now--COAGULATE!" 

The rushing red waters come to a stand still, as the blood around them abruptly solidifies, turning into a thick, gelatinous form. Robin and Nami struggle to free themselves, but soon find it impossible, remaining buried in the hard gel up to their chests. 

"Oh, no!" Nami cries out, using all her strength to try and free her legs.

"It's almost solid! I can't move!" Robin adds desperately. 

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