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Pablo's POV

I put my shoes on and ran towards the beach because mi padres were talking to me about a trip they're planning.

It was 11pm and there was not much people walking around the streets. Which was unusually and yet it was convenient for me since I had to get there in a second.

I didn't stop running even if my legs were tired I didn't stop. I needed to get to her and to my surprise I got there faster than I thought.

I was standing at the beginning of the path beside the beach. I saw a girl walking , listening to music near the shore as she sat down after a few minutes.

I approached her slowly not to worry her and yet she did hit me when I came closer to her.

"Get the fuck aw- Pablo?"

"Don't kill me please and yeah"

She stood up ignoring the fact she tried to kill me. She kept her distance from me and yet she was drawn to me like a magnet and came closer to me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm so stupid for letting my anger out on you. It's not okay for me to do so , it wasn't your fault not even closer and you wet right I couldn't get the ball or anything"

"At least you admitted that"

I stopped talking and paused for a moment as she chuckled at her comment. I rolled my eyes with a grin on my face.

"I should've never told you that it's your padres fault and that you should calm him down and-"

Her soft lips were joint by mine and I froze for a second before she pulled away , still cupping my face.

"I know you didn't mean to say that but don't you think that I will forgive you easily next time"

"I wouldn't dare to think that"


"So you're not mad at me?"

"How could I stay mad at you Pablito?"

Her smile infect me making me smiled like crazy , I felt my cheeks burn. I was blushing and I think she noticed because she smiled even harder.

How I love this girl.


"What would you do if you had a Time Machine?"

I loved our random conversation, it always made me smile to know what she had on her mind.

"I would go back to around 2015/2016 and find the courage to talk to you"

Oh fuck. Did I just say I would find the courage to talk to her. Jesus let's hope she doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"What do you mean find the courage to talk to me?"

"I'll... tell you some day hermosa , but for now let me see your curiosity eat you on the inside"

Smooth , very smooth Pablo.

We arrived at her house when I froze , was Gerard still mad at me? That's what came to my mind before we came in.

To be honest I was more scared of Gerard than getting into a accident or something a long the lines.

"He won't say anything because I told him I would never talk to him again if he does so"

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