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Pablo's POV

We were at the stadium going home and we won the match against Girona.

Me and Julia did talks but it was very little since what Xavi told us both. He told me to stop causing drama with her and that she shouldn't be going to matches and trainings just for me.

Even though she has friends who play for the Barcelona team but I think he forgot about that. I did feel guilty because I was the one who fell asleep on her shoulder and she fell asleep too.

"So did you say a word to her?"

"Very few but yeah"

"It can't be that bad between youse though"

"It's not but it's just awkward. I mean it wasn't before until Xavi yelled at us"

"Well maybe youse show don't fall asleep together then"

"It wasn't on purpose"

"But it still happened"

I rolled my eyes at him and got my house keys and put a coat on. I couldn't stand to be there with him or anyone so I went for a walk at the beach.

I love the beach , during summer , spring , autumn and winter it still looks the same. It's my place to go and think about things or just to stop thinking for a while.

I go to it at night because most people don't go and no one will see me , so I won't be disturbed by anyone.

The sound of waves crashing against the shore and the moon shining against the ocean with the stars makes it look magical.

I always came here with you know who but now I'm here all alone , with no one else.

"Oh my god I'm- Julia?"

"Pablo... hola"

She was standing here at our spot on the beach all by herself.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just clearing my head, what about you?"

"Got in a fight with Pedri about something"

"What did youse fight about now?"

Was I really going to tell her that me and my best friend fought about us. She guessed it and by my expression she figured it out so she knew.

"I love Pedri but why are youse fighting over this?"

"I don't know, but what's wrong with you that you need to clear your head"

She made a face like she has been caught on a secret or something different. I don't know how to explain it but I think you know what I mean.

"Em nothing really just stuff"

"Tell me"

"It's nothing"

"Tell me"


She looked me in the eye and then gave in and told me what she had in mind. The same thing me and Pedri were fighting about , maybe that's why she guessed it so easily.

Julia's POV

Something about his eyes made me give in and tell him , even though I didn't want to because it seems a bit weird and embarrassing.

"We can't just avoid each other because of Xavi"

"But it's weird a bit , don't you think?"

"Well yeah but we're just... friends, right?"

He gave me a small faint smile on his face and I gave him one back as I stared into the dark sky colliding with the sea.

"Yeah , friends"

I nodded with my answer and then we just sat there on the cold wet sand. It was just us , no one else or nothing else in the world in the moment.

We sat there not saying a word because our presence to each other was more than enough. I want to tell him about the fact that I have a date tomorrow because he deserves to know but I can't.

"I... I need to go home now"

"Oh em... sure yeah. Do you want me to walk you home or?"

"It's fine you can stay here and I'll-"

"I'm not letting you go by yourself walk home in a city at night. Vamos"

He walked me home and I enjoyed spending time with him at night. Even if I felt a massive weight on my shoulders from guilt.

We were walking , talking and laughing together for the whole time , not a single thing could ruin the moment with him.

Until we arrived at my apartments building and we both stood there in the bitter cold night , smiling at each other.


"No , I should thank you"

"I'm happy we're friends"

"Me too"

Of course our eyes said more things than we did just a second ago. Our gazes were exchanged and our bodies were close that we felt one another's warmth.

Our faces were getting closer and closer by each second. We faces were an inch away from the others and our eyes looked into each others.

I don't know if it was the moment or the feelings I still have for him but I wanted to kiss him at that second.

We didn't kiss though because I guess we both remember about the bet we had and didn't want to loose.

"Buenas noches Pablo"

"Buenas noches Julia"

I looked into his eyes once more before heading towards the door , and not turning back or even looking back.

Was I stupid for nearly kissing him? Yes. Do I want to kiss him? Yes.

Every time I'm close of moving on from him he some how comes back and I feel so much of everything. Love , happiness, sadness , anger , jealousy and I mean everything.

I walked into my apartment and took off my coat with a smile on my face. I heard towards the couch and laid there looking blankly into the ceiling.

Our kiss was the only thing I could think off for the whole night. Until I got a call from the boy.

I do like him but something about Pablo just feels different. I know playing and leading them both on is bad but I want to see what happens with the first one because , I know (or I assume so) that he still has feelings for me too.

End of chapter

a/n : a shorter one but a bit more drama and a bit more Julia and Pablo. I have a week off school and I'm soooo happy so I might be able to write and post more if I can.

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