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Julia's POV

For the past month me and Gavi tried to act normal around one another and it was getting better each time.

Me and Ale were walking to Pedris and Gavis house , yes they have a house together now.

We were going to get some snacks from the shop but if course fans noticed him so that went off the list and we both ran to their house. Neither of us thought this through and we didn't bring the car so we were both panting.

Even if he plays professional football he was still panting because we were sprinting the whole way as fans were chasing us with their cars.

"What the- are youse okay?"

We slammed the door behind us and were panting as we both had our hands on our knees to catch our breaths.

"Never better"

Ale shown him a thumbs up but they seemed concerned, especially Gavi.

We just brushed it off and took our coats off with our shoes and sat on the couch as they were play fifa , per usual. I was sitting beside Ale since I was on the edge of the couch.

I was on my phone texting Sophia when I notice a pair of eyes on me. Gavis eyes were on me and he was jealous? I mean I was smiling at my phone and giggling but I doubt he's jealous , right?

"You play Jules"

"I'm fine Pepi , I'm going to get a drink"

He smiled at me warmly and I smiled back , I love how even if Gavis is his best friend he still treats me the same as before , and we have gotten closer.

"Can u bring me one too?"

"Do you have legs?"

"Well yeah but-"

"I'm messing , relax Ale"

He chuckled awkwardly and then screamed since Pedri scored a goal in the game. I laughed and shook my head as I walked to the kitchen to get some ice tea.

I was looking through the whole fridge because I know he keeps the peach ice tea somewhere.

(Lipton peach ice tea🔛🔝 and whoever says anything else is wrong)

I finally found it at the back and got two glasses out form the top cupboard and when I turned around I jumped up.

"You scared me"

"Lo siento"

He went around me and got food from a cupboard, I poured the drink for me and Ale as I watched him and overfilled the glass.

"Dios mio"

I looked around the kitchen for some paper towels until I looked in front of me with Gavi who had it in his hand.


He took some paper and cleaned it up for me as I sat on the counter and just watched him , no watched is the wrong word , I admired him , his presence.

"Can I grab the..."

"Oh yeah... sure"

He opened the cupboard that was bending my head and he leaned close to me , I felt his warm body against mine as he was towering over me.

My breath started to shake and butterflies were in my stomach , I haven't felt them in a very long time until today.

After he grabbed the bowl he slipped and there was no space for air between our bodies. His face was millimeters away from mine and I saw him look into my eyes then my lips.

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