Chapter 1: Orentation Day

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You enter an office, resume in hand, and your transcripts from the Naval Academy. Greeting you is supposedly the commander-in-chief of Wolfpack, the largest private military company in the world. The man has an eyepatch, kaki trenchcoat, and some stubble.

"Morning sir. Ready for your interview?"

"Y-Yes sir."

"Good. What's your name, bucko?"

You give him your full name and rank. You also give him the paperwork.

"Hmm. Damn impressive resume you got here. Graduated in the top ten of your class, have full academic honors, competed in the Naval Academy's wrestling team, and won multiple tournaments, and a impressive naval record with the US Navy."

He looks at the paperwork closely.

The commander-in-chief then looks straight at you.

"So, what made you decide to join Wolfpack?"

You think for a second, and decide to tell him that you were offered an amazing benefits package, and a good deal of pay.

The commander-in-chief seems to like this answer.

"Well, good, we don't get a lot of applicants in the Navy or the Marines who want to switch to a PMC. Usually they come once they retire from the service, never before they join. It's risky, but if you think it's worth it, then I won't stop ya."

The commander-in-chief takes a closer look at your application and resume, and starts flipping through the papers.

After a couple minutes, he speaks up.

"So, why are you applying? You could probably stay in the Navy and become an officer, maybe be an Admiral by the end of your career."

You think for a second, and come up with a good answer.

"It's about the thrill of combat. In the Navy, we're stuck behind desks most of the time, and don't get much action. I wanted to join for the action, adventure, with more benefits than the regular navy."

You think this answer is a good one.

The commander-in-chief nods and thinks for a second.

"You know, that's a pretty damn good answer. But I gotta ask, can you handle a gun? You seem to be more suited for the Navy, rather than the Marines or the SEALS."

"Yes sir, I can. My dad took me hunting since I was little, and I can hit a moving target from a mile away."

"Damn. Not bad."

He looks through your papers and resume again, and flips through them.

"Well, I think you'd be a perfect fit. You're a tough son of a bitch, you're smart as hell, and you're good with a gun. I think this one is yours."

"Thank you, sir."

"Just remember one thing though. This is a different kind of job. We fight the enemies the military can't, we take on jobs that are too dangerous for them. If you thought the military was dangerous, then this will be a cakewalk for you. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Welcome to the Pack. Because your hired."

You firmly shake the man's hand.

"Before I leave sir, I didn't get your name or who you are."

"I'm Ghost. I'll be your direct commander for all operations, land, air, or sea. Former US Army Ranger and Airborne. 108 Infantry Regiment, Fox Company, Medal of Honor recipient. Served during Anchorage War against the Chinese."

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