Chapter 11: Phantoms of Rheinübung

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You ran outside to Bismarck, sitting on a park bench, contemplating, both disturbed and confused.

"Biscko? Is everything alright?"

She didn't respond, she just looked down and sighed.

"Bismarck?" You repeated.

"I... I don't remember any of that... Operation Rheinübung..."

You didn't understand.

"What do you mean?"

"I-I can't remember. I can't remember sinking Hood. I don't know why, but it's like it never happened. I... I only remember water... so much water... I couldn't... sinking... but why can I remember the water?"

She was starting to tear up.

"I-I don't understand. I remember nothing of Hood. Nothing of her sinking, or of myself sinking. I'm not sure why. I'm not sure why I can't remember. I'm scared. I'm scared of myself. Why can't I remember? W-Why I'm I here? What's going on? Is this real?"

She was shaking, she was in a panic.

"I-I-I don't remember! I don't remember! I-I don't know what's going on! Why can't I remember?"

Bismarck was trembling, she felt cold, and her ramblings became less coherent.

"I-I don't remember. I-I don't remember. I-I don't remember. I-I don't remember. I-I don't remember...."

Next thing you see, is she goes down. She fainted.

"Bismarck!" You ran over and cradled her in your arms, "Bismarck! Can you hear me? What's going on?"

She didn't answer. Soon, you see Tirpitz and Enterprise rush over.

"What happened, Y/N?"

"I-I don't know. She was talking about Hood, and then she just started to ramble, and then she fainted. I don't know what's going on. I-I'm scared. Please tell me she's okay."

Tirpitz then cradled Bismarck from your hands.

"She passed out. This happened a long time ago. She hasn't been the same since. She's been plagued with terrible nightmares, and she has no recollection of anything that happened. No one knows why she can't remember. All they can do is keep an eye on her. I think the stress is too much for her. This is the first time something like this has happened."

You looked at Bismarck, and she had no color in her face.

"I-Is she okay?"

"We can only hope. If she's still asleep, then maybe she'll be okay."

"Let's take her back to the apartment. I'll call up someone from Wolfpack's medical department. Hopefully they can help her."

"Okay, LT. I'll carry her."

You were scared. You were scared of losing Bismarck, or whatever happened to her. You didn't understand what was going on, but you knew she was in trouble.

"Tirpitz, let me take her. Let me carry her."

Tirpitz looks at you, and nods.

"Okay, Y/N. We can switch off later, if that's alright."

"That's fine. Just let me carry her."

You picked up Bismarck and carried her to the apartments, and Tirpitz called up medical.

A few minutes passed, and a corpsmen from Wolfpack arrived.

"Afternoon ladies and gents. I'm Andrew, Wolfpack's field doctor. What's the call for today?"

Softening a Heart of Iron (Reader x Bismarck)Where stories live. Discover now