Chapter 7: Late Nights

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As the night wore on, you were just sitting in your office working when you saw Bismarck checking in.

"Working late, Lieutenant?" She asked.

"Yeah. I just wanted to get some paperwork done, and finish up early. I'm feeling tired."

"Well, you should head home early."

"No, I need to get this done, Commander. I can't go home with this unfinished."

"Okay. If you insist, LT."

"I'm almost done, I just have to finish a few more pages."

She sighed, and took a seat in front of your desk.

"Heh... you remind me of myself, always working hard."

She smiled. You noticed that she seemed very tired, you wonder if something has been bugging her. You figured you would ask her.

"Is everything alright, Commander?"

"Oh, I'm just fine, LT. It's nothing to be worried about. Just a bit tired. Nothing a cup of coffee won't fix."

You felt there was something else.

"Are you sure you're alright, Commander? You don't seem yourself."

"No, really, I'm fine. It's just been a long day."

She gets up and takes a deep breath, stretching her arms out.

"Well, it's just us right now, Everyone else went back to their dorms for the night. So, it's just you and me, Lieutenant." She said.

"Really? Well, that's a nice change of pace."

You notice she had been very shy, and reserved lately.

"B-Bismarck? Is everything alright?" You asked.

She sighs, and looks at you.

"I want to be honest with you, I really do."

You felt nervous, and you knew what she meant.

"Wh-What do you mean?"

She looks at you, her face a deep red.

"You really wanna know? I mean, really want to know?"

"Please Commander, there's no need to beat around the bush."

She walks up to you, and looks into your eyes.

"Lieutenant, I'm trying to say that I have feelings for you, and I've had them for a while. You seem nice, someone to... open up with. Someone other than my sister, or my fellow girls. It's hard to admit it, but I like you. I've been feeling this way for a while now, and I can't hold it in anymore. I wanted to tell you how I felt."

You weren't sure how to react. She liked you, but you didn't know if she meant it.

"Really, Commander? You mean it?"

She looks away.

"I do. I want to get to know you better, I wanna spend more time with you. You're special, you're different from the rest."

She holds your hand.

"Please tell me how you feel about me."

You were a bit surprised, you never thought she would ever be into you, and now you found out she liked you.
You had a few ideas.

"I've also been thinking of you, Bismarck. I think you're pretty, and nice, and I'd love to get to know you better. I also enjoy spending time with you."

She smiles, "So you really like me, Lieutenant?"

"Y-Yeah... you seem nice..." You were getting nervous.

Softening a Heart of Iron (Reader x Bismarck)Where stories live. Discover now