Chapter 12: The Weight of Iron

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Soon, Bismarck's sobbing subsided. You took a moment to think about all of this. You didn't realize that under her facade of an ironclad leader, she was an incredibly delicate person. She seemed to have a soft personality and struggled to express herself. She was incredibly apologetic, but incredibly sweet and kind. You loved her, and you were scared to lose her.

"Bismarck? How about you take a shower, and then go to sleep? I'll make you something nice to eat. You need your strength." Tirpitz suggested.

Bismarck nods.

"Okay. I'll have a shower."

She walked out of the bedroom and to the bathroom. You were still confused about the conversation with Enterprise. You wanted to ask Tirpitz.

"Tirpitz, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Your conversation with Enterprise, you mentioned how the Sirens manipulated your sister. Why?"

She sighed, and took a deep breath.

"It was the start of the war. She was in the middle of the Atlantic, and the Sirens attacked us. I was still under construction at the time, and we had been fighting along side the Royal Navy, when we heard about the black Wisdom Cube. The Sirens used to manipulate Bismarck into using it. It was an incredibly powerful tool, but resulted in us shipgirls going berserk. It's too much for us to handle, and could detriment us by corrupting our minds. That's exactly what happened to her. She attempted to break free of the control that the Cube put on her, and even attempted to destroy herself to save the Royal Navy, but in the end, they had to sink her. When the war ended, they had me come to England, after U-556 recovered her destroyed rigging and even recovering her. The English told me that they could repair the rigging and even attempt to resurrect her. I pushed Graf and Fredrick Der Große to support their efforts, and they approved. The caveat? She would have no recollection of the events that transpired. But it was incomplete, since she still remembers her own sinking. She would return to us, almost the same person, the same flagship of the Iron Blood. But I knew she would never be the same."

"I-I had no idea. I didn't realize the story was so tragic."

Tirpitz sighs, "It wasn't, but it's not all happy. I remember how depressed she was after the war, and how she kept trying to hide her sadness. She wanted to keep going on as if nothing was wrong. But it was all a façade. She hid under the pretense of being the flagship of the Iron Blood, and she worked herself raw everyday. Everyone knew she tried to hide her true self under a strict lock and key. She just wanted to forget everything, and move on. But I could see the pain in her eyes, and I could see how much she was hurting. She was a broken woman. She still is."

You couldn't help but feel so sad for her.

"Bismarck is such a wonderful person, Tirpitz. Why does she have to be so sad?"

Tirpitz sighs, "I don't know, Y/N. But, you may be the answer to what us girls have been looking for. You're the only person we know now to have finally unlocked her deepest feelings. Maybe, just maybe, you're the key to breaking her out of her shell."

You sigh, and you felt like the weight of the world was on your shoulders.

"So this is why you're hard on me?"

"Yes. We can't let her slip back down into constant pain. That's why I was so blunt with you. That is why you need to treat her right, and show her just how much you love her. It will take time, but it will be worth it. Trust me, it will be. I promise you."

You nod.

"Thank you, Y/N. I'm going to make Bismarck's meal. You can help if you'd like."


You went into the kitchen, and decided to help Tirpitz. You both made dinner, and you brought it to Bismarck.

"Hey, Biscko. Are you feeling better?" You asked.

She slowly nods.

"Yes. I'm feeling a little bit better. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you."

"It's okay, Biscko. I'm just glad you're alright."

You set the plate down on the table and sat next to her.

"Come on, have a bite. It'll make you feel better."

She took a few bites.

"It's good. Thank you."

You smile and nod, "You're welcome."

Tirpitz smiled, "It's good to see you two getting along."

You and Bismarck look over to Tirpitz.

"Thanks for taking care of me." Bismarck said.

"It's my pleasure, sis. Now eat up. That way you won't be so preoccupied with negative thoughts."

Bismarck smiles and eats more.

"Y/N? What did you and Tirpitz talk about?" She asked.

You hesitate, and Tirpitz gives you a look.

"It's nothing. Just some stuff about us."


You felt bad for not telling her, but Tirpitz didn't want to overwhelm her, or worse, have another panic attack. You decide to stay quiet, and spend time with her.

"It's nice to see you two get along. I'm glad you two are doing well."

"Me too." She replies.

After dinner, you both went into the bedroom.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, Biscko."

"Yeah, me too. I'm sorry again for worrying you."

"It's okay, Biscko. You don't need to worry about it."

You kiss her lips and hug her tight.

"I love you, Biscko. I'm glad you're here."

Bismarck hugs you back, and you both sit there for a moment, holding each other.

"I love you too, Y/N." She said.

You kiss her again, and you both decided to get changed for bed.

"Hey, Y/N?" She said, pulling out her formal dress.

"Yeah, Biscko?"

"Do you want to see me in this?"

You were confused.

"See you in what?"

"This dress."

"Well, I never seen you in a formal dress..."

"W-well, I was saving it. For a special occasion, and I think this is it. I wanted to wear it for you, if that's okay. I know it's a lot to ask."

"I'd love to see you in a formal dress, Biscko."


"Yes, really. I'd like that a lot."

She smiles and puts the dress on. The dress had her original Iron Blood jewelry on it, including the Bismarck family crest, Iron Blood cross, and gold rope adorning her shoulder. Her other shoulder was exposed, and better yet, the way the chest looked was marvelous. There was only one cloth strap covering her breast, while the other was covered by the rest of the dress. There was an open window right to her cleavage.

"So... what do you think, Sailor~?"

"Wow... you look amazing."

She was blushing.

"I-I'm glad you like it."

She smiles, and hugs you tight.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Biscko."

She kisses your cheek.

"Now let's get some sleep. I'm still tired."

Bismarck took off her dress, and only slept in her underwear. She snuggled up to you in bed. You were just happy she was feeling better. You both fell asleep, and you spent the night together, feeling safe and warm.

Softening a Heart of Iron (Reader x Bismarck)Where stories live. Discover now