Chapter 35: The Iron Melts Away For Good

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It was evening in the park. The leaves on the trees were in their blazing autumn colors. You and Bismarck were enjoying a nice walk together. You two were holding hands, and were cuddling a bit.

"You know, Biscko, this is nice."

"Yeah, it is. It's been a long time since we've done something like this. Too long."

"I agree, it's been too long. Say, do you have work tomorrow?"

"Well, we both do. I just want to spend my weekend with you for as long as we can."

"I know... Hey... let's head for that pavilion near the river."

"Why, sure. What for?"

"You'll see. Come on, Biscko."

You and Bismarck were walking hand-in-hand and arrived at the pavilion. You two had the whole thing to yourselves. It was a beautiful day, and the weather was perfect.

"This is a nice place. We should do this more often."

"Yeah, I agree."

"So, Y/N, what's up with this? What are we doing here?"

"I'll show you, Biscko. Close your eyes."


"Just close your eyes, Biscko."

"Why? What's going on, Y/N?"

"You'll see."

Bismarck closed her eyes. You were feeling nervous and a bit anxious, but excited as well. You reached into your pocket and took out the ring. You took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Biscko, you have no idea how much I've enjoyed this year with you. You've changed me so much, and I'm so glad I met you. I don't know if we'll be together forever, but I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I know I've told you before that I think you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I still think that. Biscko, I've fallen for you so hard, and I'm glad we're together. I don't think I've ever been this happy in my entire life. I would have never imagined myself falling in love, and falling in love so hard, but here we are, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I would give anything to be with you."

You were on one knee, and holding the ring.

"Bismarck, will you marry me?"

You could hear a gasp, and her eyes were wide open. She was silent, then came a sudden burst of excitement.

"YES! Yes, Y/N, I'll marry you!"

She embraced you, and she was shaking with joy. You could feel her arms trembling, and her chest was heaving. You took the ring and slid it onto her finger.

"Here, try this on."

She put the ring on her finger and held it up. It was a gold ring with a ruby in the center, with diamonds surrounding the ruby.

"It's beautiful, Y/N! It fits perfectly."

She was so happy and giddy. She was still shaking and was still breathing heavily.

"Heh, I'm glad."

"I... I'm just so... happy... what kind of expression should I have at a time like this? I should... just smile?"

"Yeah, you could try that. It looks nice."

"I've never been this happy in my life... I'm so happy... I... I love you so much, Y/N. Thank you."

"It's no problem, Biscko."

Bismarck sat down on the bench, and she was still holding your hand.

"This is so crazy, Y/N. I didn't expect you to take my words at the table for real... But I'm so happy..."

"So am I, Biscko. This has been the best year of my life."

"Oh, Y/N, I wish we could have spent more time together."

"Well, now that you're my fiance, maybe we could do this more often."

"Maybe we can... oh, Y/N, you don't know how much I've dreamed about this. I'm so happy. I'm so, so happy."

Bismarck was tearing up, and she was a blubbering mess. She was trying to contain her joy and was just losing it. It reminded you of the first time Bismarck confessed to you as a Lieutenant.

"Oh, Y/N, Y/N, oh... *hic*... oh... this is just so surreal. It was only a year ago, I confessed to you..."

"Yeah, I remember. I think it's safe to say this has been the best year of my life. I'm glad you confessed."

"I'm glad too, Y/N. Thank you for making me so happy. Thank you."

She kissed you, and the kiss was long and passionate.

"Come on, let's get out of here. Let's go home. Let's have dinner and celebrate!"

"Alright, Biscko. Let's go."

You and Bismarck left the park. As the leaves fall, they fall with a smile. You finally saw it now. The cold iron that once locked away Bismarck's heart had finally melted away. You saw the new Bismarck, a sweet, joyful, and elegant girl, who only wanted to be happy. She was once locked away behind all of the steel of being the flagship of the Iron Blood, constantly depressed by her betrayal and her time during the war, but now? It was something different, something truly beautiful. She was more than just your boss, or your girlfriend, she was your first true love.

You sighed. You realized now, that you'd finally softened her heart of iron. She was finally free, she finally felt human.

You felt your heart racing and your face was flushed.

"Bismarck... thank you."

You and Bismarck left the park, hand-in-hand.

Softening a Heart of Iron (Reader x Bismarck)Where stories live. Discover now