BONUS (spooky) Chapter 3: Bismarck Meets Bismarck

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It was a foggy day on board the IWS Saber, it was the usual patrol in the Denmark Strait. Bismarck on the other hand was uneasy.

"Biskco, what's wrong?" You asked.

She was thinking to herself. She didn't even answer the question.

"Biscko, hello? Are you even listening?"

"Oh, sorry Y/N. What was it that you said?"

"Are you ok?"

"Oh... I'm... I'm fine, Y/N."

She seemed a little bit lost in her thoughts.

"Are you sure? You've been acting strange the past couple of days."

"I'm fine, Y/N. Don't worry."

You were about to ask her what was going on when you heard a frantic cry on Channel 16.

"Any station, any station! This is SCPS Heron, requiring immediate assistance! I repeat! Any station, any station! We are taking heavy enemy fire! Requesting immediate assistance!"

You were shocked, and the others on the bridge were shocked too.

"Get everyone to battle stations. Now!" You ordered.

You walked over to the radio and got the microphone.

"SCPS Heron, this is IWS Saber, in the area to assist, forward coordinates and we will arrive within 15 mikes, over. Who are you taking fire from?"

Silence, then a response.

"We're taking fire from SCP-4217! We need immediate assistance now! Bismarck's gonna fucking kill us!"

Your blood ran cold. You didn't expect what he said.

"Heron, I need your full coordinates and details, over."

"SCP-4217 has a radius of 400 klicks, 500 nautical miles, 50% visibility, over. Reporting 48°10′N 16°12′W. Aiming to close in within the next 5 minutes, over."

"Roger that, SCPS Heron, we are en route, and we will be there shortly, over."

"Roger that. Get here ASAP."

You got off the radio and looked at Bismarck, who's face was pale like a ghost. She heard the radio conversation.

"Biscko, are you sure you're okay?"

"Y/N... I... I..."

"Biscko, I don't know what's going on, but you need to tell me."


She was crying.

"Biscko, please, I'm here for you. Whatever it is, we'll get through it together."

She took your hand, and she was trembling.

"Wha... what is that... why is it me?"

She was panicking. She was breathing heavily.

"Biscko, calm down. Take deep breaths. In and out. That's it. Keep breathing."

She took deep breaths, and then she looked at you. You then looked to the helmsman.

"Get us to those coordinates, flank full steam."

"Aye, sir. Full steam."

"Biscko, look at me. Look at me, Biscko. Everything is going to be okay."

"I... I..."

"Don't worry, Biscko. We got this."

She started to relax.


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