Chapter 13: Old Friends and Old Grudges

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You wake up with Bismarck still in your arms.

"Good morning, Biscko."

"Morning, Y/N. Happy Sunday."

You kiss her cheek.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better. I'm glad we could spend time together. I had fun yesterday."

"Me too. It's nice to get away from everything and just have a day off. It was nice."

"I agree. But it's not over yet. What do you want to do today?"

"Well, we can just hang out, and go for a walk, or, we can have a lazy day, and just relax."

"I'm not sure."

That's when your phone buzzed. You pulled it out and saw a text from Ghost. You hadn't heard from him in while, so you wanted to take a look.

"Sup, Y/N, the boys tonight wanted to do a bit of a... unsanctioned drinking competition tonight at the Vierstehaffe bar. We've invited some representatives from most of our contractors, including some shipgirls. Bring your A-game tonight."

"Ghost texted me. He said the others wanted to have a drinking competition tonight, and they invited a few shipgirls from other contractors."

"Hmm, well, I wouldn't mind to. If it means I get to represent and defend the Iron Blood's honor... even if it's just a drinking contest."

"Sounds good. It'll be fun, I'm sure."

She smiled and kissed your cheek.

"I'll go get dressed."

She gets out of bed and heads into the bathroom to change. You got changed as well, and went out to the living room. Tirpitz was up, and she had a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, Y/N. Did Bismarck sleep well?"

"Yeah, she was fine. She's feeling a lot better."

"Good. So, what are you two going to do today? You're welcome to stay with us."

"Well, we were thinking about going to a local bar tonight. We have been invited to a drinking contest at the Vierstehaffe. But we didn't know who all was invited. Biscko said she would like to represent the Iron Blood's honor, so that's why we're going. Biscko wants to defend the honor of her flag ship."

"Oh, okay. Well, that's good. It sounds like fun."

"It'll be."

You then hear a knock at the door. Tirpitz goes to open it, and there was Enterprise.

"Good morning, Tirpitz."

"Morning, Enty. Come on in."


"Did you come by for anything?"

"Not really. I just wanted to see how Bismarck was doing, and if Y/N was doing okay after yesterday. I was concerned for Bismarck yesterday. So I'm just here."

You smiled and spoke up.

"I'm glad you're here, Enty. I was worried too. I'm just happy she's feeling better. Biscko will be out in a bit. She's just getting changed."

"Good. That's good to hear. I'm sorry to hear about what happened yesterday. It must've been a lot for her."


Just then, Bismarck got out of the bathroom wearing her usual uniform and cape.

"Good morning, Enty."

Softening a Heart of Iron (Reader x Bismarck)Where stories live. Discover now