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A few days before Halloween

Time has rolled as fast as a blink, and nothing had changed beside the relationship of all 3 adults in the house. Syd and Kennedy had grown closer, Honey watching while trying to figure out how to express her dislike of the connection.

Instead, she went back to work to get out of the house, she figured that's what made her depressed and it was true. Being underneath that roof had made the woman feel a way that she hadn't felt in a long time.

Every night she went home, she contemplated on wether she wanted to go back to work, stay at a friends, or just flat out run away.

Syd had kept her word and hadn't bothered Honey about her mood anymore, letting her come out of her funk on her own. Honey kept note of everything, processing her words so she could figure out how she could tell Syd that she was fed up with the bullshit.

She sat in their bedroom with a bottle of wine in her hand, reading the label over and over. The sun was just setting and she had just gotten out of a nice warm bath.

Carter was asleep upstairs in his room, and Matt was with Kennedy in the living room while Syd was at work. That was the only time the women were left alone, Syd took a few days off in the beginning so it wouldn't be so awkward, but after learning that Honey just stayed in the room all day again she started to go back to work.

Honey tried staying in the office as long as she could, using the excuse that she had tons of work, but after a while she grew tired of work and her coworkers, finding comfort in hanging with her friends.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a knock on the door, standing up she went to get it while situating her robe over herself. "Oh... hey Ms—."

"—don't you call me that, girl." Asia cut her off, she chuckled. "You already knew it was coming." Honey stated while stepping out of the room, seeing Malia who stood with a confused expression.

"Who the fuck is that?"

"Sydney didn't tell y'all?" Honey asked while making her way into the kitchen. "No, and what are you doing with that wine?" Lia asked, following behind her.

"I'm just reading it, I've been going through it though, girl."

"I can imagine, you live with Sydney." Lia replied sarcastically, making Honey chuckle. "So you the other babymama, huh?" Malia asked, Asia nudged her shoulder.

"My name's Kennedy." She replied while standing up, Malia hummed. "Well, that was not what I expected." She stated while looking at Matt, she smiled and held her arms out and he ran over.

"And you are?"

"Sydney's sister."

"And I'm her mother, it's nice to finally meet you, Kennedy." Asia took the time to civilly introduce herself. "You too.."

"You staying here too?" Lia asked, the girl nodded. "Just for a little while though." The woman explained, Lia looked at Honey who just shrugged, and then Asia.

"Your daughter is the most trifling tramp ever. Honey, I would've been killed that bitch, sorry nephew." She apologized to Matt , he nodded in return but Malia's neck was slapped.

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