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May 21st

With everyone being back home in Atlanta, the tension never got to boil over since they were all back in their own space.

Syd didn't talk to her family, friends, or anyone actually. She was mostly home all day with the kids while Honey went out and did whatever she wanted.

Sometimes she'd babysit Jon's son; him, Matt, and Carter would drown Carter's room with toys and come downstairs to ask for food every 10 minutes.

Honey had just came home and was now making dinner, Syd and Charli were on the couch watching Disney shows. Honey glanced up at the sound of whining, seeing Syd turn Charli around so she could see the TV.

She continued whining, making Syd smack her lips. "What's the matter with you?" She turned her back around and held her, asking as if she could actually reply.

After a few seconds of her crying, Syd caught on to the way she was kicking her feet. "I know what better not be in this diaper.." She stated while standing up, carrying Charli at an arm's length which made Honey chuckle.

She carried her into the bedroom and laid her in her crib before going to find everything she needed to change her.

She stripped her out of the onesie and began to take off the diaper, shaking her head afterwards. "I swear that's all y'all know how to do, shit shit shit." She stated, but changed her nonetheless.

Afterwards she rolled and folded her dirty diaper and closed her wipes,  picking her up along with her diaper. She threw it away and carried her back out of the room, stopping at the kitchen.

"Ask mama where the milk at.. She insisted while standing over Honey, watching as she seasoned some pork steaks. "When you gone cook some real food?"

"What's real food?" Honey asked, curious to know. "Soul food."

"You want me.. to cook soul food?"

"Shit why not, you cook everything else." Syd shrugged, Honey hummed. "You gone cook for Thanksgiving and Christmas."

"You must be helping?"

"I'll make the chicken."

"Chicken? For the dressing right—."

"—now you know damn well.." Syd started, Honey giggled knowing she didn't like dressing. Syd turned at the sound of multiple footsteps being heard coming down the stairs.

First came Carter, then Matt, and then Landon. "Papa, look." Carter held up his tablet, Syd took it and glanced at the screen to see a mini green ATV.

"You want this, huh?"

All 3 boys nodded, Syd jus shook her head while Honey chuckled. "Landon you ain't even old enough for one." She told the 2 year old, he frowned.

"So." He replied and began to gibber out a sentence, his words not being all the way formed. "Guess that's a family thing." Honey teased, Syd playfully smacked her lips while looking down at her nephew.

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