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a few days later

Kennedy didn't know that Honey was back home and all was well underneath the roof of 1694 Lakeland Dr. Or else she wouldn't be knocking at the door at 8:30AM.

Her frown dropped when Honey opened the door with Charli in her arms, and suddenly her eyes widened at the sight of the up and alert new born.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to—."

"—oh you're fine, Matt's still eating. You could wait inside if that's fine with you." With that being said, Honey walked away from the door to let them woman in.

She closed the door gently and locked it before making her way through the house, the smell of bacon and pancakes made her stomach rumble deeply.

She approached the kitchen, seeing Honey standing there preparing Charli's bottle. And across from them, over the counter she could see all 3 boys sitting on the floor eating their breakfast.

"Hi, mommy!" Matt waved after swallowing his food, being well mannered enough to not talk with a mouth full. "Hi, baby.. are we just getting up."

"Yeah." He admitted before biting into his sausage. "Sydney's still asleep right now, and I didn't remember her telling me that he was leaving until a few ago." Honey spoke up, Kennedy nodded.

Kennedy nodded while taking on the new found information, feeling a tad bit awkward at the silence. Just then, a door opened down the hall and out slugged Syd with her natural mug.

She rubbed her eyes and glanced between both babymamas, her frown deepening before she remembered. Then, it softened.

"Shit my bad, I forgot all about it." She mumbled, her voice smooth and slightly raspy. "It's fine, I'll just wait for him to finish." The woman shrugged, Syd cut her eyes from the girl to Honey, seeing her holding a smiling Charli.

"That's fucked up. Be ya' own kids." She stated while shaking her head at Charli, Honey chuckled in response.

Carter and Landon ran over for more while Matt went to Syd before pointing at his mouth. "Come on.." She lead the way back to the bedroom, leaving Honey and Kennedy again.

"Here, mommy." Carter handed Honey the plate, she took it and he ran off to the bedroom as well while Landon asked for more while licking his lips.

Honey shook her head and began to cater to a whining Charli while putting more food on Landon's plate. Kennedy watched in surprise, the way Honey did both so well. It seemed so natural to her.

Especially since she struggled with Matt and he was the only child. She watched as Landon scurried off to the living room with his plate, and Honey turned around and started to feed Charli.

"She's so cute, congratulations by the way." She spoke, her voice soft and respectful. She felt so inferior in the room with Honey, a much older woman who packed everything she lacked.

She was a better mother, lover, and overall woman. She even had the shape of a grownup, mature woman. Her breast sat up on her chest, but were full and endowed well with lusciousness.

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