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2 months later

"Charli!" Honey yelled from the kitchen, expecting her little girl to come running up to her. There was no one in the house but her and Honey, Matt being home with his mother and Sydney had taken Carter somewhere to get a custom body for his bike.

"Where is this girl at." She mumbled to herself while leaving the kitchen, she searched the living room and didn't see her but seen her toys so she knew the girl couldn't be any further. She made her way toward her office, hearing rummaging and things. She pushed open the door to see Charli standing by her chair, holding onto it for balance.

She was rummaging through a drawer with papers in it, making Honey rush over to grab her. "What're you doing in here, playing in all these papers?" She asked her while taking the few from her hand.

She put them back in the drawer and closed it up, pushing the chair back in. She left the room with Charli babbling on her side, looking over at the girl who had her hair in braids for the first time.

Honey thought she'd try something new, and though Charli cried the entire time, she was all in the mirror whenever Honey finished up on her hair. She was confident as ever already as a one year old, always smiling to herself in the mirror.

The more she learned how to talk the bossier she got, bossing around her brothers every chance she got. Matt did whatever for his baby sister with no problem, Carter always argued with her and sometimes it would take Syd jumping into their argument for him to do something for/with her.

Honey didn't know how to go about the situation, she didn't wanna raise her children to be bratty and self centered, and it surprised her how her little girl already had that attitude and demeanor.

She always blamed it on Syd, Syd babied Charli every chance she got. The girl always got her way no matter what. Syd always told the girl that she was a big girl and that she needed to stop crying over things, and crying won't solve anything.

But in that same breath she would be bending over backward to give Charli whatever she wanted. She had started that back when Charli was only a few months, and they've been doing it since.

The boys thought it was unfair how all it took was a certain look for Charli to become the center of attention, every time she woke up all attention was on her, any time she came into the living room while they were watching TV, the show had to be changed to something she liked. Everything was all about Charli underneath their roof.

Syd would always tell Carter that she treated him the same way, which she did sometimes. Honey could remember her and Carter terrorizing the house when he was just a year old. She did whatever he wanted to do, if he wanted to shoot water guns in the house at Tray and Damien then Syd would do it with him.

And clean it all up afterwards.

If he wanted to bake things and nearly burn down the kitchen at 4 in the morning, Syd would be right beside him with a fire extinguisher. He was Syd's mini me for a few years, and then they found out about Matt and everything changed.

Honey was sure Syd would grow out of that just as soon as she got Honey pregnant again. Honey thought the problem was more so that Syd was quite literally obsessed with having an arm baby.

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