You And Me.

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"Hey (Y/N)!"

Turning towards the voice that called him, he was approached by Jesse.

"Fucking dick..." He muttered to himself.

"Enjoying the place so far?" Jesse asks him.

"I was enjoying some me time until someone called out my name."

Jesse raised his eyebrows, looking at him, confused. Maria warned him about being reasonable.

"So what? I'm supposed to just tackle you and say 'what's up shithead'?"

"One warning. Call my name again and this town will go down by one civilian."

"Okay. Batman." Jesse raised his hands upwards, giving up the verbal contest.

"What should I call you then?"

(Y/N) thought for a moment, he didn't trust the guy in front. Hell, he didn't trust anybody. So he always tell Ana and Jason, and whoever he crossed path with, to call him Ace.

"Call me Ace."

And he walked away after that.

"Enjoy your tour!"

Ellie was spending some time at a friend's house.

Apparently, she's getting more colors on her arm to cover up the bite mark.

"Done for now. Take it easy with the shower."

"Thanks Cat." Both Ellie and Cat shared several interests such as music and arts. Ellie didn't even realize that she's been visiting her more and more ever since she found out about what Joel did.

With him gone, she's more freer and loosened. Finding comfort with Cat is definitely a bonus.

"So, I have patrol tomorrow, and...I was wondering whether you wanna hang out tonight?" She asks the Asian chick Cat.

"Sure. I'll meet you at your place at 7 then."

"Perfect." Ellie was glad that the girl agreed to her invitation. She exits the house, thinking of what to do and not do that night, until her eyes come across the familiar face walking across the streets.

She has so many things to ask him after not seeing him for so long. Rushing to his front, stopping him at his track.

(Y/N) sighed.

"What now Ellie?"

"Um...hi. I uh..."

"You don't even think about what to say did you? Just rushing up, blocking my path, wasting my time."

"Yeah well, you know me the most here. Maybe there's still some old you left in you." (Y/N) walked past her, but Ellie follows him.

"Old, new. Doesn't matter. The scars still remained. Emotionally and physically." That somewhat angered Ellie. Just a little bit.

"Are you still mad because I rejected your confession? Grow up."

"Look at what happened after that. Growing up means growing apart right? I should've kill myself back then."

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