Seattle Day 2(Two).

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Fighting through the Wolves, and eventually infected and Scars, the trio of Joel, Jesse and Ellie made it back to the theater.

With Jesse being injured, they have to let him rest.

"How did you get past Maria?"

"I didn't. Not at first." Now that's an interesting answer. "Chad caught me, and Maria planned on locking me up." Poor Jesse.

"Then how come you're here now? I doubt your mom helped talked your way out." Jesse scoffed at Ellie's remark.

"It was Tommy."

Joel's eyes lit open, giving Jesse his full attention.

"He helped me, and both of us slipped out after."

"Tommy's here?"

"Yeah..." Jesse's tone didn't sound promising.

"Where is he?" Joel's question sounds more like a demand.

"We got seperated. I was going to look for him but, those people just drove me farther away." Looking at Joel with apologetic eyes, all he can do is saying sorry.

Joel sighed, defeated. First (Y/N), now his own stupid brother is lost out there too.

"What do we do now?" Ellie doesn't even know what or who they're after now.

Continue on their own to eliminate the Wolves? Not with injured Jesse here.

Looking for their people? But who's the priority? The girl's boyfriend or the pop's brother? It's confusing.


Somewhere out there.

"Hey kid."


"It's nice to see some familiar face after arriving here. Not that Jesse isn't but-"

"Jesse's here?" (Y/N) raised his eyebrow looking at the Texan.

"Yeah, but we got separated."

Tommy's sentence isn't reassuring. Not one bit.

"I see..." (Y/N) looked down on Matt's fresh corpse for a moment.

He can say that he's sorry. But would that change anything? The guy is fucking dead.

'Too bad man. Looks like your family won't be seeing you again.'

"Where's Joel?" Tommy's question snapped him back out of his guilty conscience.

"Separated. I got blast away from minefield. Not sure about him or Ellie. But knowing that they're the most stubborn people on Earth right now, they're probably fine. Best bet would be killing some enemies now as we speak."

Tommy chuckled at his statement. "Yeah, they definitely are. Any idea where they might be at?"

"Try inner city. That's where I lost them."


Tommy started walking towards the direction of the city. But then he noticed that (Y/N) was kneeling down on the Wolf he just shot.

"What are ya doing?"

"Did he try to shoot you?" (Y/N) asks.

"No. He was wandering around, so I just popped him." Tommy stepped down closer, arriving besides him. "Did you know him?"

"Matt. His family's back at the base. Guess they've seen the last of him."

"Yeah well, we got our family too. It's us or them."

The Best Of Us. (Ellie X Male Reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt