Seattle Day 2(End).

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*I wanna take this opportunity to apologize for my reader regarding the needles n-word usage in my previous chapter.

It was incredibly stupid on my part and I apologize to anyone and everyone that are offended.

It wouldn't surprise me if I lost my readers after that. Only got myself to blame.

From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry.

Jason. (Though it's not my real name.)


"I'm here to avenge my family."

What the male said isn't something Manny had in mind.

"I don't get it." Of course he wouldn't.

"Go! Go!"

Some Wolves bust in the place, leaving the two no choice but to stop their conversation and starts making way outta the place.



"My eyes!"

A flash bang from Manny managed to buy them some time.

*Bang! *Bang!

(Y/N) instantly dealt with the first two Wolves.

"This way."

Manny reached the window where his belongings are already outside, along with (Y/N)'s.

He then noticed that the young man isn't behind him like he's supposed to be.

(Y/N) begins unlocking doors after doors, freeing the captives, mostly Scars from their restraint.

"What are you doing!?" Manny isn't liking this. But he's a rogue just like Abby now, so he can't complain.

(Y/N) handed his gun to one of the Scars, who gratefully accepted it.

Maybe it's because of the lights, the Scars only saw one half of (Y/N)'s face, which was scarred by Emily, and not so clearly too.

"Rock this place."

And just like that, those former prisoners start wreaking havoc, grabbing whatever they can from the corpses of Wolves, to pipes and everything, and begin their revolt.

" me..."

They stormed out the front door and the shootings begin.

"Shit! Scars are loose!"


"For the Seraphites!!"


*Bang! *Bang!

The Wolves outnumbered the prisoners by dozen, with more in the distance, thanks to Isaac's gathering.

(Y/N) doesn't even care about the prisoners, as he seems to just stand inside the place while the shootout occurred.

Freeing them means more distractions to help him escape further.

He would eventually join Manny by the window and the two escape the place.

"Here. This is yours."

(Y/N) takes the bag from Manny, and they both quickly make haste outside the gate.

"Manny's gone!!"

"Find them!"

It was not a smooth sailing for them, cause they're still close to the Wolves range.

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