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"We don't know how big the hordes are."

"Then don't. Either you stay inside these walls, pretend nothing was there and let me do the work or, no one will do anything. Just let the numbers grow, see what awaits you during winter."

Unexpectedly, (Y/N) agreed to go on patrol with the condition that he will go alone.

Joel brought him to the meeting where he tells every of the patrolmen about his plan.

"That's suicide." Tommy chimed in.

"I think everyone agrees with Tommy here." Jesse added.

"I don't know what you've been through before you got here, but you don't have to do this alone. We're in this together."

The patrolmen and women all agreed with Jesse. All the times they've spent here brought them closer than ever. Now maybe it's time for (Y/N) to start relying on them.

"No chance."

The answer was expected by the others. Some chuckled, some sighed.

"I don't have to do this alone. I want to do this alone. See the difference?"

Maria didn't even know what to say anymore. It's like this kid in front of her is trying to commit suicide or...

"You're not trying to use the chance to run away right?"

Now that stunned everyone. Of course Tommy's gonna tell her about it. Now maybe the only chance she had to change his mind.

"Not now at least. I need the exercise, get used to fighting infected again before I leave."

One of the patrolmen, Rebecca scoffed.

"Boy you are a dumb one. You wanted to leave this place and go live in the wild? You sounded like you prefer to live around the infected than here."

"I spent my times living with groups before I got here. Even hunters as well. These two knows it."

He pointed at the Miller brothers.

"Trust is the rarest thing nowadays. And I don't have the slightest bit of trust for any of you. And I don't expect any from you guys either."

The audacity of this boy is putting everyone over the edge.

Silence filled the meeting room. (Y/N) switched his glances among those that are important. Maria, Joel, Tommy and Jesse.

"I take it that you agree with my plan."

"Or maybe you don't have to do anything. We'll take care of this ourselves. Like a team." Some nodded their heads, agreeing with Jesse.

"And that's the problem." (Y/N) countered.

"What is?"


"What's wrong with a team?"

"Can you guarantee that everyone get back here in one piece after fighting the infected?"


Bingo. The boy does have a valid point.

"Y'all have family and friends here. Lose one, and the place turns negative for a week. Maybe months for some people. Me? I don't have anyone that will mourn for me if anything happened."

"What about Ana and Jason? Just because they're kids doesn't mean they don't have feelings. You're gonna leave them, at least talk to them."

"First thing first. The infected. Ana and Jason know that I won't lose to some infected."

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