Seattle Day 3(Four).

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Ellie's desperation and determination got her through the most fucked up scenarios during her journey to the aquarium.

Riding the boat out to the sea, waves after waves flipped her and the boat over. Took her some times, but she managed to swim through and got to the shore.

Panting, catching her breath, looking up at the place.


Inside the aquarium.

(Y/N)'s heart to heart talk with Mel was interrupted by Owen.


"What up Rooster."

Owen scoffed. This kid can't take anything seriously.

"Damn... You're--"

"Alive and fucked."

"I was gonna say awake."

Short silence before (Y/N) forcefully gets down from the bed. Mel has treated him, but the pain still remains.

"Easy, easy." Mel and Owen went over to lend him a hand.

"Where am I?"

"It's safe. You're safe here." Not the answer he was looking for.

"Where's Isaac?" Now that shook Owen and Mel for a bit. First person he wanted after waking up was Isaac. Not Abby, Isaac.

"He's not here. This place belongs to--"

"I don't have time for this." He pushed through the two.


He stopped his track, not because of Mel's plea, but because of a certain four legged creature in front of him.

Alice, the most trusted companion of the crew, holds its stance, flashing its sharp teeth, staring at (Y/N) with those vicious eyes.

Abby gave it an order to make sure (Y/N) won't leave the place. And Alice is the perfect guard.

A stare down between a German Shepherd and a merciless trespasser ensue before Owen walks in between them.

"Relax. It's just Alice. Abby told her to keep you here. To make sure you're safe."

"I don't give a fuck about Abby or Wonderland. One way or another, I'm leaving." (Y/N) gazed down at Alice once again. "Even if it means killing a bitch."

"Woof! Woof!!!" That statement definitely angered Alice.

"Alice! Down!" Owen tries to keep things cool between them. "(Y/N). Listen to me. Abby is on her way to the island, and we need to fix the boat so we can get to her."

"I can't believe you!" Now Mel's upset. She stormed out of the place but Owen quickly followed her.

Leaving only the trespasser and the dog who are going at it. Again.


Abby and Manny crouch, run, hide, crawl in prone position to avoid the sniper's range and bullet.

Running out of cover, they rushed to the abandoned parking lot.

"Fuck he's good."

"Yeah no shit." Manny is frustrated. "We should be going after them instead of the island."



The shot barely missed Abby, hitting one of the cars. They may be inside, but they're still within range.

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