Let It Out.

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"Guess I should be leaving now."


Ellie didn't know what to process. Joel came knocking, then awkwardly walked away after he realized Ellie isn't alone. Now that it's close to midnight, and Ellie has morning patrol, they decided to call it a night.

"So... I'll see you when I get back tomorrow?"


Cat leaned in and kissed Ellie by the cheek, making her blush.

"Don't keep me waiting. Bye."

She walked away, leaving the burning auburn girl. Ellie's face is bright red, matching her hair.

It was probably the best night in her life ever since she and Joel stopped talking to one another. Or at least, when she decided not to.

But something still lingered around in her mind. What was Joel trying to tell her? It's a fucked up time.

She avoided Joel to the extent that he stopped approaching her, only looking from afar. Why was he here now?

'Fucking dumbass. Go find comfort with your new little boy.'

She don't wanna admit it, but she noticed that Joel has been, slightly better than when they got back from Salt Lake City.

He's always grumpy, moody. But now he actually smiled around that new boy he's with.


The next morning, Ellie exits her house with her back and some necessities. She makes her way to the barn where Joel is already waiting for her. And judging from his getup, he's going outside just like the her.

Trying her hardest to ignore him, she went to the opposite side, creating as much distance as possible.

"Hey Jesse."

She greeted the Asian friend, who's readying himself for the patrol.

"What's up?"

"Did Joel's schedule got changed?"

She purposely asked Jesse to sign her up for patrol where and when Joel wasn't as to avoid him.

"Yeah. He came to me and said something about wanting to go to Wilson Valley."

"Fuck..." Ellie muttered to herself much to the amusement of Jesse.

Seems that Joel found out about her route and decided to switch things up.

"Where'd you get then?"

"Hoback Pass with Dina."

"Good. Trade with me." Ellie's desperate.

"No can't do. Me and Dina are trying to go on some adventurous date."

Jesse said with pride. He then noticed that Ellie was checking out the other's schedules. Man was she dying to switch. The male noticed that Joel and Ellie have been away from each other's presences for some time now.

"It sure is hard when puberty hits."

His words seems to catch Ellie's attention.

"What're you blabbering about now?"

"I mean you got taller, voice is deeper. And being independently away from Joel."

She didn't even tried to protest.

"Or was it something else that happened between you two? Hm? Mind to share?"

He looked at her, wearing a sneaky smile across his face. This is the kind of best friend that takes joy in your suffering.

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