Seattle Day 1(Part Two).

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In the inner city of Seattle, Ellie, Joel and (Y/N) got ambushed after one of their horses stepped on a minefield.

"Get them!!"

*Bang! *Bang!

It was chaos from the moment the bomb got triggered.


Joel began fighting back, at the same time, keeping his eyes on the downed Ellie, who seems to be out of it.

"Ace!! Get her outta there!"

(Y/N) didn't have to be told twice, and he quickly fight his way through.


One slash from his machete to the female soldier in front.



The other one fell victim to Joel after he let his emotion distract him.


With (Y/N) fighting and dodging, while Joel providing cover for him, the teamwork and trust proved how much fate they have in each other.

But their luck has to run out sooner. Or more specifically, now.



(Y/N) accidentally stepped on another hidden minefield, but thanks to his quick thinking, he managed to leap away.

The explosion didn't kill him, but it didn't mean he's any safer than it should be.



Abby has decided to take Owen's matter into her own hands.

And she's currently outside the FOB by herself after Manny helped her sneak through the WLF patrol teams.

"Hope you're still there." Abby muttered to herself, setting sight on the aquarium in the distance.

And with that, she starts her mission.

But it wasn't smooth sailing for the brute. It's filled with ambush after ambush by both Scars and infected.

Eventually, she met her match. A Scars who's taller, buffer, and crazier than her cronies.

Abby was already exhausted, and the numbers game got the better of her.

She was held down by the other Scars and suddenly, one of them who seems to be of higher authority, knocked her out, putting her quest of searching for Owen uncertain.


"Search the area! He can't be far."

(Y/N) survived the explosion, but the damage is no joke. Blood leaking from his head, as he hit face first after falling.

Damaged body, and tired soul. The young man has to limit his action for the day.

He's currently hiding behind the counter in one of the coffee shops within the city.

"Fucking prick. I don't see any scars around his cheek."


"Could be a smuggler. Or a stray."

Two of the many pursuers enter the place, and (Y/N) readied himself for combat.

"Damn. As if Scars weren't enough trouble. We shouldn't be wasting time here with these clowns."

(Y/N) grips his machete tightly in one hand, and fingers by the trigger of his gun on the other.

"Then fucking find find him and end this shit. Jordan said he got the girl. As for the old man, the others are on him."

The Best Of Us. (Ellie X Male Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ